Supply of furniture and office equipment for the One Stop Service Center (OSSC) in An Giang province, Viet Nam

Supply of furniture and office equipment for the One Stop Service Center (OSSC) in An Giang province, Viet Nam Request for quotation

Reference: UNFPA/VNM/RFQ/25/01
Beneficiary countries: Viet Nam
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 17-Jan-2025
Deadline on: 27-Jan-2025 10:00 (GMT 7.00)


Supply of furniture and office equipment for the One Stop Service Center (OSSC) in An Giang province, Viet Nam

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Viet Nam hereby solicits your quotation for the supply of furniture and office equipment for the One Stop Service Center (OSSC) in An Giang province, Viet Nam. This bidding process is open to all legally-constituted companies that can provide the requested goods/services and have legal capacity to deliver in Viet Nam.

Lot 1: Furniture

Lot 2: Kitchenware

Lot 3: Electronic Equipment

Lot 4: IT and Camera Equipment

Partial bids are allowed on a lot by lot basis under this tender. Bidders are encouraged to quote for as many lots as possible.

Your company/organization is kindly invited to submit your best offers for the requested goods and services.

Thank you!