World Meteorological Organization
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- The UN Organizations
- World Meteorological Organization
About WMO
As a specialized agency of the United Nations, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is dedicated to international cooperation and coordination on the state and behavior of the Earth’s atmosphere, its interaction with the land and oceans, the weather and climate it produces, and the resulting distribution of water resources
WMO programmes facilitate and promote:
- the establishment of networks of observational stations to provide weather, climate and water-related data;
- the establishment and maintenance of data management centres and telecommunication systems for the provision and rapid exchange of weather, climate and water-related data;
- the creation of standards for observation and monitoring in order to ensure adequate uniformity in the practices and procedures employed worldwide and, thereby, ascertain the homogeneity of data and statistics;
- the application of science and technology in operational meteorology and hydrology to aviation, transport (air, land and maritime), water resource management, agriculture and other focus areas;
- activities in operational hydrology as well as closer cooperation between National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in states and territories where they are separate; and
- the coordination of research and training in meteorology and related fields.
Common goods and services regularly procured by WMO include the following items:
Specialized weather radars
Hydrological equipment and services
Weather sensors
Technical equipment services related to meteorology and hydrology
Engineering services related to meteorology and hydrology
In addition, the WMO also procures corporate services, which include, but not limited to:
Travel services
Conference and translation services
Facilities management services
Public relations services
Telecommunication services
IT equipment and services.
The WMO follows the board principles of the UN procurement policy, including the concept of Best value for Money. In particular, at a strategic level, our procurement processes is about:
Full accountability and documentation;
Fair, open and international competition;
Promotion of ethical trading through procurement that supports the environment and the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact.
Procurement Opportunities by WMO
Click on the View document button to view this procurement opporutnity in the eSourcing portal.
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Is the e-Procurement system integrated into UNGM?
Yes, therefore the user should be automatically taken to the external website when clicking on the blue Express Interest button. The blue Express interest button will change to a green View documents button.
e-Procurement system used by this UN organization: In-Tend
Contact email of the e-Procurement system:
Useful links
How to participate in procurement opportunities requiring electronic submission on UNGM?
If a procurement protest needs to be submitted, click on the Protest Procedure page by WMO.
What was the procurement volume of WMO in 2022?
- Procurement value: 13.11M USD
- Number of countries the organization procured from: 48
- Percentage of total UN procurement: <1%
- Ranking by procurement value: 26th
- Top category: Transportation, Storage, Mail Services
- Top region: Europe
To learn more about the procurement volume of each UN organization, visit the Annual Statistical Report and use the interactive dashboard.
Contract Awards by WMOSelect codes for your goods and servicesTitleSupplierAward dateOrganizationReferenceBeneficiary country or territory
WMO Procurement Information
WMO Website
Contact Information7bis Avenue de la Paix, Case postale 2300 Nations, 1211 Geneve, Switzerland