Specifications for Medical Equipment and Supplies category
Here you can find a collection of Specifications for the Medical Equipment and Supplies category from past tenders of different UN Agencies.
List of Samples of Specifications
- IAEA - Cold Kits for Nuclear Medicine.pdf
- IAEA - Electronic Personal Dosimeter.pdf
- IAEA - Electronic Personal Radiation Dosimeters.pdf
- IAEA - Gamma Spectrometer with High Purity Germanim.pdf
- IAEA - Gross Alpha-Beta Counting System.pdf
- IAEA - Immobilization Equipment.pdf
- IAEA - Passive Gamma Emission Tomography Systems.pdf
- IAEA - Portable Clampable Computed Tomography.pdf
- IAEA - Radiation and Contamination Survey Meters.pdf
- IAEA - Radiology QC Equipment.pdf
- IAEA - Radioprotection.pdf
- IAEA - Radon Monitoring Equipment.pdf
- IAEA - Small Portable Ultrasound Machine.pdf
- UNDP - Mortuary Freezer.pdf
- UNFPA - Anti-shock Garment.pdf
- UNFPA - Computed radiography X-ray System.pdf
- UNFPA - Digital Radiographic Mammography Unit.pdf
- UNFPA - Obstetric Surgery Electromechanical Bed.pdf
- UNFPA - Stretcher All-terrain.pdf
- UNFPA - Ultrasonic Scanners for Obstetric-Gynecologic Use.pdf
- UNFPA - Ultrasounds for Breast Cancer.pdf
- UNFPA - Wheelchairs All-terrain.pdf
- UNFPA - Wind-up Doppler.pdf
- UNOPS - Biosafety Cabinet.pdf
- PAHO Eligibility criteria for ventilators.xlsx
- PAHO Techinical requirements PPEs.xlsx