International Organization for Migration
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- International Organization for Migration
About IOM
The objective of IOM’s migration and development programme is to contribute to a better understanding of the links between international migration and development in order to harness the development potential of migration for the benefit of both societies and migrants and to contribute to sustainable development and poverty reduction.
In order to carry out its vision, IOM implements programmes in the form of research, capacity building for governments and communities, community stabilization in countries that have undergone conflict, delivery of social programmes, community development, engaging diaspora communities with their countries of origin, and partnership building with relevant institutions, authorities and business. IOM also provides a full range of services, tailored to the needs of governments, aimed at transferring skills and knowledge acquired by migrants abroad to their country of origin. These services include outreach, selection, matching, placement, compensation, reintegration, monitoring, and evaluation activities. Recent programme focus has been placed on the facilitation of remittances—the private financial transfers of migrants—and the development impact that they can have on communities and countries of origin.
IOM, or as it was first known, the Provisional Intergovernmental Committee for the Movement of Migrants from Europe (PICMME), was born in 1951 out of the chaos and displacement of Western Europe following the Second World War.
Mandated to help European governments to identify resettlement countries for the estimated 11 million people uprooted by the war, it arranged transport for nearly a million migrants during the 1950s.
The broader scope of activities has been matched by rapid expansion from a relatively small agency into one with an annual operating budget of an estimated $1.4 billion and some 9,000 staff working in over 150 countries worldwide. IOM currently has 165 Member States and a further 8 states holding Observer status.
As "The Migration Agency" IOM has become the point of reference in the heated global debate on the social, economic and political implications of migration in the 21st century.
A valuable factor in IOM's good standing among Member States and donors is its careful stewardship of entrusted funds. As IOM continues to grow in response to global migration challenges, its procurement needs grow as well.
IOM General Procurement Principles
IOM upholds honesty, integrity and fairness in all aspects of its business, and expects the same in its relationships with its vendors. The highest ethical standards shall be employed in all procurement transactions, and Vendors shall be chosen based on IOM's procurement policies and defined selection criteria. IOM staff, especially those involved in any phase of procurement, must declare any affiliations with Vendors and should not disclose privileged information about any project requirements or deprive other Bidders of such information that puts a Bidder or group of Bidders at more advantageous position over the other Bidders. This includes revealing the other bids/ quotations prices, terms and conditions etc. Failure to make such a declaration shall be construed as a conflict of interest and the offer, payment, solicitation and/or acceptance of any form of bribe, monetary or otherwise, are unacceptable and subject to disciplinary measures. Also, staff shall not accept commissions, gratuities or gifts from Vendors.
Please click here to access to the IOM Code of Conduct for Suppliers
Principles Governing the Award of Contracts
The responsibility for procurement, including award and implementation of contracts, rests with the Mission/Procuring Entity. IOM has an obligation to ensure funds entrusted by donors are properly used with consideration for economy and efficiency, and without regard to political or non-economic influences. IOM's procurement process shall be generally guided by:
- Quality of goods, works and services;
- Efficiency and economy;
- Equal opportunity and open competition;
- Transparency in the process and adequate documentation; and
- Highest ethical standards in all procurement activities.
Quotations/Proposals must be evaluated for compliance with specifications, delivery schedule, price, payment terms and after-sales service. Contracts will be awarded to the Bidder with the lowest compliant offer (offering best value for money based on required technical specifications), and which has fully complied with the terms of the bidding process.
Procurement Methods
Sole Sourcing
Sole Sourcing is contracting without competition. This procurement method may be employed depending on the nature of the item/service purchased and circumstances surrounding the procurement.
Vendors contracted without competition must be evaluated regularly in terms of price competitiveness and contract performance.Low Value Procurement/Shopping
Low Value Procurement/Shopping is a procurement method based on comparing price quotations/proposals obtained from several vendors/suppliers (in case of goods), service providers (in case of services) and from several contractors (in case of civil works), with a minimum of three, to assure competitive prices, and is an appropriate method for procuring readily available off-the-shelf goods or commodities with standard specifications, and civil works and other services of small value.
Competitive Bidding
Competitive Bidding is the accepted method used by all commercial and public entities for procurement involving contracts which are large and/or complex in nature. Competitive Bidding may be opened to local or international Bidders, depending on the requirements of the goods/works/services being bid out.
Procedures on Conciliation, Arbitration of Contracts/Settlement of Disputes
All disputes between IOM and its Vendors should be settled amicably. In case the parties can not come to agreement, the dispute must be referred to arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL arbitration rules. Clauses on dispute resolution and immunity are included in IOM's standard contracts and Purchase Orders.
Long Term Agreements
A Long Term Agreement is a contract between IOM and one or several vendors/suppliers for the purpose of laying down essential terms governing a series of specific contracts to be awarded during a given period, outlining the duration, subject, prices, conditions of performance and the qualities envisaged.
IOM Procurement Categories
IOM procures a wide range of goods, works and services, which include but are not limited to the following:
- vehicles,
- shelter materials,
- non-food items needed in humanitarian emergencies, e.g., blankets, kitchen sets, tarpaulins, etc.
- telecommunication equipment,
- IT equipment products and services,
- visibility materials,
- office supplies,
- printing services,
- construction related works and more.
Useful Documents
Click on the following links to access to various materials:
Is the e-Procurement system integrated into UNGM?
No, and therefore the Express Interest button is grey. The user is required to carefully read the instructions of the procurement opportunity, which can be found under the Links/Documents tab of the actual procurement opportunity.
If there is any doubt, contact the UN officer in charge, his/her contact details are included in the notice under the Contacts tab.
Useful links
If a procurement protest needs to be submitted, contact the UN organization at
What was the procurement volume of IOM in 2022?
- Procurement value: 1.19B USD
- Number of countries the organization procured from: 181
- Percentage of total UN procurement: 4.03%
- Ranking by procurement value: 9th
- Top category: Transportation, Storage, Mail Services
- Top region: Asia
To learn more about the procurement volume of each UN organization, visit the Annual Statistical Report and use the interactive dashboard.
Procurement Opportunities by IOM
Click on the View document button to view this procurement opporutnity in the eSourcing portal.
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Contract Awards by IOMSelect codes for your goods and servicesTitleSupplierAward dateOrganizationReferenceBeneficiary country or territory
IOM Procurement Information
IOM Website
Contact Information17, Route des Morillons, Geneva 1211