Telecare Platform (Software) for Telemedicine System of Rural Primary Health Care of Georgia (re-announced)
Telecare Platform (Software) for Telemedicine System of Rural Primary Health Care of Georgia (re-announced)
Invitation to bid
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Deadline on:
10-Nov-2023 13:00 (GMT 0.00)
Tender description: Supply, delivery and installation of Telecare Platform (Software) for Telemedicine System of Rural Primary Health Care of Georgia .
IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the UNOPS eSourcing system, via the UNGM portal. In order to access the full UNOPS tender details, request clarifications on the tender, and submit a vendor response to a tender using the system, vendors need to be registered as a UNOPS vendor at the UNGM portal and be logged into UNGM. For guidance on how to register on UNGM and submit responses to UNOPS tenders in the UNOPS eSourcing system, please refer to the user guide and other resources available at:
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IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the UNOPS eSourcing system, via the UNGM portal. In order to access the full UNOPS tender details, request clarifications on the tender, and submit a vendor response to a tender using the system, vendors need to be registered as a UNOPS vendor at the UNGM portal and be logged into UNGM. For guidance on how to register on UNGM and submit responses to UNOPS tenders in the UNOPS eSourcing system, please refer to the user guide and other resources available at:
Interested in improving your knowledge of what UNOPS procures, how we procure and how to become a vendor to supply to our organization? Learn more about our free online course on “Doing business with UNOPS” here.
This tender has been posted through the UNOPS eSourcing system. / Cet avis a été publié au moyen du système eSourcing de l'UNOPS. / Esta licitación ha sido publicada usando el sistema eSourcing de UNOPS. Vendor Guide / Guide pour Fournisseurs / Guíra para Proveedores:
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This procurement opportunity integrates considerations for at least one sustainability indicator. However, it does not meet the requirements to be considered sustainable.
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
The tender contains sustainability considerations for preventing or minimizing damage associated with climate change.
Energy efficiency, greenhouse gas reporting and emission offsetting.
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---|---|---| | UNOPS eSourcing – Vendor guide and other system resources / Guide pour fournisseurs et autres ressources sur le système / Guía para proveedores y otros recursos sobre el sistema |
Video conferencing software
New amendment added #2: To exted bid submission deadline as of November 10, 2023. 3:00 UTC.Sincerley,Sandro
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06-Nov-2023 16:12
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New clarification added: "Drive Supplier Sustainability Questionnaire” can be found at the “Forms” tab of the said ITB. I also attach it in an excel form you your reference. see the link below: the Document Checklist section, we have been asked to submit DRIVE Supplier Sustainability Questionnaire in the same excel format. Unfortunately I have not found any excel that contains DRIVE Supplier Sustainability Questionnaire. Would you please provide the excel or guide me how I may find it.
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31-Oct-2023 07:55
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New clarification added: 1. Can the tender submission deadline be extended? (as other interested candidates also request it)Deadline will not be extended, 27 days were given to bidders for preparation (announced on Oct 11, 2023) instead of mandatory 15 days.2. There are some documents requested to be uploaded but in the tender documents, I don't see these forms. such as the DRIVE Supplier Sustainability Questionnaire is duly filled out and uploaded in the same Excel format (we answered this directly on the e-sourcing platform), Form A: Bidder Information Form, Form C: Bid Submission Form, Form D: Price Schedule Form, Form E: Technical Bid Form, Form G: Performance Statement Form."Drive Supplier Sustainability Questionnaire” can be found at the “Forms” tab of the said ITB. I also attach it in an excel form you your reference. see the link below: refer to the Section III for the forms you indicated in your question above. 3. Can this evidence "Evidence of (acceptance-certificates or reference letters) of successfully implemented 1 (one) contract for the provision of similar goods to that required in this ITB, in the period of the last 3 (three) years with the minimum amount USD 200,000" be presented by the manufacturer (in the case when the bidder (a local representative) and manufacturer are different)?Evidence of successfully implemented 1 contract shall be presented by the bidder, as of qualification requirement: "2) The Bidder should have at least 1 (one) contract, for provision of similar goods to that required in this ITB, executed successfully in the period of the last 3 (three) years with the minimum amount USD 200,000 (two hundred thousand US Dollars) and should provide its proof (acceptance-certificates or reference letters)."4. "Evidence that Bidder shall have a physical presence or local representatives in Georgia for performing the services required during the warranty period." what could be considered as evidence?Information about the local partner organization (web portal, contact info), that will be in charge of aftersales services after the delivery and installation of the said software. 5. " Form B: Joint Venture Partner Information Form (optional)" This document is optional but it is requested as mandatory. Could you fix this? Form B is mandatory if you form JV, otherwise bidders are not expected to submit this form.
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31-Oct-2023 06:54
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New clarification added: There are no special requirements for a Local Representative in Georgia. However the offered company shall be able to deliver "Afteresales Support" as of Paragraph C "Service Requirements", Section II of the ITB documents. Would you please let us know if there is any criteria for the Local Representative in Georgia?
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30-Oct-2023 10:19
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New clarification added: Dear Bidders,Pre-bid meetng (Oct 24, 2023) minutes and presentation are available in the folderSincerely,UNOPS Georgia
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27-Oct-2023 08:50
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New clarification added: You have to submit the proof that your organization follows international environment standards through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste, gaining a competitive advantage and the trust of stakeholders.Good morning! I have one quesion regarding "a valid ISO 14001 EMS certificate, or equivalent". What do you mean by equivalent? Can we provide a Statement/Internal oder on the letterhead of our organization under the signature of the CEO about obligations regarding environmental protection and optimization of environmental protection measures within the company and other, also related to ISO 14001?
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27-Oct-2023 08:46
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New clarification added: No, bidding period is 26 days, no further extnsions are invisaged. Good afternoon. Will there be an extension for the submission date of the tender?
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25-Oct-2023 14:04
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New clarification added: Section I can be found in the "documents" tab, I also share the link of it: ask you to share Tender Particulars to which you reference in ITB_Section_I_Instructions to Bidders document. Thanks in advance
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24-Oct-2023 15:14
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New clarification added: It can be local partner organization. You have to indicate local partners name and contact info, also document confirming the fac of partnership under this ITB. Dear UNOPS team! Can you please specify how should "local representative in Georgia" looks like? Can it be a partner organisation (partner organisation responsible for trainings and on place support) of the company applying to this Tender (the main applicant - a software development company)? If yes, should we upload any partnership agreements between us with this tender? Or should we apply a letter of confirmation where to specify the fact of partnership and responsibility of each of us?
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24-Oct-2023 11:20
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New clarification added: Yes, it is, the bidder shall be legally registered and shall submit its registration certificate, from its country of origin. It does not mean Georgia. Good morning. Is it a mandatory requirement that "Bidder shall be legally registered as a business entity and shall submit valid business registrations certificates from the country of origin"? Thank you very much for your support in advance. Good morning. Is it a mandatory requirement that "Bidder shall be legally registered as a business entity and shall submit valid business registrations certificates from the country of origin"? Does it mean in Georgia?
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24-Oct-2023 07:24
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New clarification added: Manufacture of the product, Telecare Platform (software) in this case, shall have ISO 14001 certificat or its equivalent.Good morning. I would appreciate some clarification regarding the sustainability requirement "Suppliers shall provide proof that the manufacturers are in possession of a valid ISO 14001 EMS certificate, or equivalent.". Given that our company does not engage in the manufacturing or distribution of hardware, I would like to ascertain whether the ISO certification in question is still mandatory for us. Thank you for your attention.
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20-Oct-2023 08:44
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New clarification added: We do not request quotation of the said feature; however, you can specify if you can do it and how it can be done by your company in the future if requested by the client organization.Good afternoon, in section G regarding symptom checker it appears as upgradable feature. My question is if you need the quotation of this feature now, or it will be an option to quote later if you decide to incorporate this in a future.
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17-Oct-2023 12:52
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New clarification added: Thanks for the message. We can not tell you the opinion(decision) about the bid, prior its submission. Bidding packages are review by the evaluation team, according to the “criteria” indicated in the ITB. Decision is taken case by case, based on the documentations submitted by the bidder(s).Good morning, regarding this requirement "Suppliers shall provide proof that the manufacturers are in possession of a valid ISO 14001 EMS certificate, or equivalent." we are in course of obtaning this, and we have the auditory for obtaining this ISO in November 17th. Do you think that a certificate of the auditors confirming this (and delivering the certificate once we have it) could fit this requirement?. Or is imperative having this certificate in the moment of delivering our proposal?.
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16-Oct-2023 10:29
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New clarification added: Offered software shall be "Substantially compliant" to the UNOPS minimum technical requirements, as of Section II of the ITB. This is custom made/adapted soft. Could you please clarify - is this RFP strictly for an Off-the-Shelf Software that's on the market today, or for a Custom Development engagement in which software does not yet exist?
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16-Oct-2023 10:22
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New amendment added #1: Qualification criteris shall be 3 (three) years.Pre-bid meeting shall be held online on October 24, 15:00 Tbilisi time
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13-Oct-2023 09:24
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New clarification added: Yest, it is mandatory to have local representative in Georgia. Is it a must have requirement to have a local representative in Georgia?
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12-Oct-2023 05:58
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New clarification added: Thanks for the message, we have "lightened" change slightly minumum technical requirements in this ITB. All other terms and conditions remained unchanged.Good afternon, I understand that this tender is a new version of last one ITB/2023/47451. To build our best proposal it would be very useful for us to have your feedback regarding our last proposal, this would allow us to improve our weak points and to reach better the objectives. For the character of this request I'd appreciate that the response was private. Thank you in advance.
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11-Oct-2023 18:15
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