Provision of Construction Works to complete Yatta Water Supply System

Provision of Construction Works to complete Yatta Water Supply System Request for proposal

Reference: LRPS-2022-9173345
Beneficiary countries: Palestine, State of
Published on: 25-Feb-2022
Deadline on: 31-Mar-2022 15:00 (GMT 2.00)


Provision of Construction Works to complete  Yatta Water Supply System as detailed in the attached LRPS-2022-9173345 and its Annexes (A-F):

Annex A - UNICEF's Standard Construction Contract, its Annexes and Appendixes.

Annex B - Technical Specifications (part 1 & part 2)

Annex C - BOQs (Excel format and PDF format).

Annex D - Final Design Report

Annex E - Yatta Project Assessment Report. Annex F - Drawings