Provision of Construction Works to complete Yatta Water Supply System
Provision of Construction Works to complete Yatta Water Supply System as detailed in the attached LRPS-2022-9173345 and its Annexes (A-F):
Annex A - UNICEF's Standard Construction Contract, its Annexes and Appendixes.
Annex B - Technical Specifications (part 1 & part 2)
Annex C - BOQs (Excel format and PDF format).
Annex D - Final Design Report
Annex E - Yatta Project Assessment Report. Annex F - Drawings
The tender contains sustainability considerations for preventing or minimizing damage associated with climate change.
Energy efficiency, greenhouse gas reporting and emission offsetting.
The tender contains sustainability considerations for the prevention of polluting emissions to air, solid waste to land and discharges to water.
EMS, waste management and wastewater management.
The tender contains sustainability considerations promoting sustainability through the entire supply chain.
Sustainability requirements for tier 2 suppliers, identification and approval of subcontractors.
The tender contains sustainability considerations related to the protection of the environment, biodiversity and restoration of natural habitats.
Sustainable/ organic agriculture, fishing or forestry.