Summative external evaluation of the State of Palestine Education Cannot Wait/Multi-Year Resilience Programme (SoP ECW/MYRP). (UNICEF as main grantee, UNESCO, UNDP, UNRWA and Save the Children)

Summative external evaluation of the State of Palestine Education Cannot Wait/Multi-Year Resilience Programme (SoP ECW/MYRP). (UNICEF as main grantee, UNESCO, UNDP, UNRWA and Save the Children) Request for proposal

Reference: LRPS-2022-9172743
Beneficiary countries: Palestine, State of
Published on: 18-Jan-2022
Deadline on: 18-Feb-2022 15:00 (GMT 2.00)


Service Provision for Summative External Evaluation of State of Palestine Education Cannot Wait/Multi-Year Programme (SoP ECW/MYRP) in the West Bank and Gaza, State of Palestine. 
To undertake a final learning-oriented evaluation of SoP ECW/MYRP to assess its results and provide recommendations to any future design and implementation modality, while guiding its partners and all relevant stakeholders on how to better set- up, develop, implement, and evaluate any future SoP ECW/MYRPs. 
As fully detailed in: 

1-    LRPS Terms and Conditions -Annexe A
2-    Terms of Reference (ToR) - Annexe B of LRPS-2022-9172743 and its Sub-Annexes (1-4)