LRPS - 9168938 - Market survey - Expansion of Vendor base and Development of vendors’ Database.

LRPS - 9168938 - Market survey - Expansion of Vendor base and Development of vendors’ Database. Request for proposal

Reference: 9168938
Beneficiary countries: Multiple destinations (see 'Countries' tab below)
Published on: 11-Aug-2021
Deadline on: 02-Sep-2021 11:59 (GMT 3.00)


Dear Respected Bidders, 

we are pleased to invite you to participate on our Request for Proposals LRPS - 9168938  - Market survey - Expansion of Vendor base and Development of vendors’ Database. You are kindly requested to submit your best proposal “Technical & Financial” to JORDANBIDS@UNICEF.ORG ONLY no later than 11:59AM Amman Time on 2 September 2021, otherwise it will be considered as not valid.



  1. Only proposals received through JORDANBIDS@UNICEF.ORG with subject tender number will be valid, any proposals received through any other e-mail will be INVALIDATED.
  2. Please note that any inquiries related to this request for proposal will be acceptable through e-mail ONLY and will not be considered through phone calls.
  3. Please send your inquiries to no later than 19.08.2021.
  4. Title                                                                  : LRPS - 9168938 - Market survey - Expansion of Vendor base and Development of vendors’ Database
  5. Published                                                        : 09 August 2021.
  6. Deadline to receive proposals                     : 2 September 2021.


Supporting Documents 

1) UNICEF Request for Proposal no. LRPS - 9168938 - Market survey - Expansion of Vendor base and Development of vendors’ Database

2) Annex B: TOR for Market Survey

3) Annex C: Pricing Schedules  


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