RFQ-Printing and Design-DTC March 25
RFQ-Printing and Design-DTC March 25
Request for quotation
Beneficiary countries or territories:
Registration level:
Published on:
Deadline on:
30-Mar-2025 03:00 (GMT -4.00)
Dear Sir/Madam,
The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, hereinafter referred to as UN Women hereby invites prospective vendors to submit a quotation(s) in accordance with the Request for Quotation (RFQ) documents, including General Conditions of Contract (GCC) and the terms as set out in this RFQ.
Existing Suppliers: Navigate to the Quantum Supplier Portal (http://supplier.quantum.partneragencies.org/) to log in to the system.
New Suppliers: If you are viewing this notice on UNGM, click on "Links" tab >> "Supplier Registration" >> “Go to link” and you will be re-directed to the registration page of the Quantum Supplier Portal.
To view the solicitation documents - click on "Links" tab >> "Negotiation Document(s)" >> “Go to link”. Please ensure to navigate to "Please click on this link before accessing the Negotiation Document(s) link" - this action needs to be done once to enable the access to the solicitation documents.
Email address:
procurement unit
Link | Description | |
https://estm.fa.em2.oraclecloud.com/fscmUI/redwood/supplier-registration/register-supplier/register-supplier-verification?id=TUW16eK6r8T65MdBzgHIMoYCOHny7FmchTkUhbYqeIYzL%2Bsxgpvrx8cM5g%3D%3D | Supplier Registration | |
https://procurement-notices.undp.org/sharepoint/login.cfm | Please click on this link before accessing the Negotiation Document(s) link | |
https://undp.sharepoint.com/sites/Docs-Public/Procurement/Forms/AllItems.aspx?env=Embedded&isAscending=false&FilterType1=Text&sortField=Modified&FilterField1=NegotiationNumber&FilterValue1=UNW-JOR-2025-00036 | Negotiation Document(s) | |
https://procurement-notices.undp.org/view_negotiation_dlink.cfm?nego_id=31518 | Direct link to Quantum Negotiation |
Digital printing