RFP-2024-14- Baseline Assessment of Human Rights-related Barriers to HIV and Development of a 5-year Costed Action Plan

RFP-2024-14- Baseline Assessment of Human Rights-related Barriers to HIV and Development of a 5-year Costed Action Plan Request for proposal

Reference: RFP-2024-14
Beneficiary countries: Papua New Guinea
Published on: 28-Mar-2024
Deadline on: 12-Apr-2024 23:59 (GMT 1.00)


The recent End-term Review (ETR) of the 2018 – 2022 PNG National STI and HIV Strategy (NSHS) identified a set of policy and legal barriers limiting access and utilisation of services by PLHIV and other key population sub-groups. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to enter into a contractual agreement with a successful bidder and select a suitable contractor to carry out the following tasks:
I. Conduct a baseline assessment of the human rights-related barriers to HIV services access and utilization in Papua New Guinea; and,
II. Develop a costed 5-year action plan to address the identified barriers.

The following methods may be used for data collection and analysis:
I. Desk review – a review of soft and formal literature available in the last five years (and beyond if particularly relevant), on the nature and extent of barriers to HIV service access and utility in PNG, including research studies, assessments, reviews, funding proposals and discussion papers. A thorough review of FG Gender Analysis report and data generated through the KPAC-led PEPFAR-supporter CLM program would be essential.
II. An inception meeting – a gathering of stakeholders and key organisations to introduce the assessment, gain input and buy-in for the methodology and identify people and organisations for key informant interviews (KII) and focus group discussions (FGD).
III. Complete ethical approval and other administrative processes as applicable.
IV. Country mission for KIIs and FGDs with identified stakeholders service providers and other informants.
V. Community and service delivery site visits to at least two provinces outside the National Capital District (NCD). Exit interviews may be organised to help validate findings from KIIs and FGDs as necessary.
VI. A data synthesis and analysis workshop with key stakeholders.
VII. An analysis of the design, costs and results of programs and initiatives over the past five years to identify and address barriers.
VIII. A findings workshop to present findings and the draft costed five-year action plan.

The contractor should have an established presence (either alone or through a consortium) in PNG or other pacific country with similar socio-economic settings. It is anticipated that the project will be conducted between 1st May 2024 to 15th October 2024. For details on the activities and expected outcomes please refer to the attached RFP document