Terms of Reference for Financial Service Providers based in Kenya

Terms of Reference for Financial Service Providers based in Kenya Request for quotation

Reference: ILO/CO-ADDIS/RFQ 069/2023
Beneficiary countries: Kenya
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 18-Jul-2023
Deadline on: 07-Aug-2023 17:00 (GMT 3.00)


The overall objective of the ILO Better Regional Migration Management project component on labour market integration is to ensure that potential and returned migrants are provided with financial and non-financial services to promote sustainable livelihoods and reduce their vulnerability, in Mombasa and Nairobi Counties.

The specific objectives of this assignment will be to:

  1. Open bank accounts for at least 660 clients, all of which being returned migrants.
  2. Provide a cash transfer to 660 clients, all of which being returned migrants.
  3. Commission a market assessment to develop a loan product dedicated for potential and returned migrants
  4. Identify, through the market assessment, adapt and promote the delivery of a specific loan product for the target group, i.e. potential and returned migrants
  5. Establish a revolving loanable fund amounting to USD 150,000 and expand access to credit for clients, i.e. potential and returned migrants and;
  6. These terms of reference are developed to select financial services providers (FSPs) to:

  7. Support 660 returned migrants to open a bank account.
  8. Provide a cash transfer of USD 150 for each of the 660 returned migrants through their bank accounts
  9. Conduct a market assessment to develop a loan product for potential and return migrants
  10. Establish a revolving loanable fund worth USD 150,000 and provide micro-loans to a selection of potential and returned migrants.