EXTENDED - Upgrading a national platform for the Continuous Professional development of educators
United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) hereby invite qualified companies to submit sealed tenders as follows:
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in the Arab States – Cairo Office seeks to engage an educational institute/firm to lead the upgrading of the above-mentioned online platform for Egyptian educators.
- Purpose of the platform: The platform would facilitate the delivery of the required trainings and provide access to learning material for the promotion of educators and their continuous professional development.
- Target group: The platform will serve K-12 educators (teachers, principals and supervisors) across Egypt.
- The platform would also cater to different learning styles and needs, thereby making learning more engaging. Users can make video calls or upload recorded videos and PowerPoint presentations, share links, create forums and wikis, receive student work, develop online exams, answer chats, sit evaluations or report important dates.
Please refer to attached procurement notice form
Sustainable Procurement practices integrate requirements, specifications, and criteria that are compatible and in favour of the protection of the environment, the social progress and in support of economic development. These practices seek resource efficiency, improve the quality of products and services, and ultimately optimize costs (HLCM Procurement Network). Sustainable Procurement is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (goals 12 and 12.7), and it also contributes to the achievement of all SDGs. This procurement opportunity is considered sustainable as it incorporates at least three sustainability considerations, in accordance with the HLCM Procurement Network's Sustainable Procurement Working Group - Sustainability Indicators Framework. To learn more about which considerations are included in this procurement opportunity, please see below for a specific description. For more information, contact the procurement official or author of this procurement opportunity.
The tender contains sustainability considerations for preventing or minimizing damage associated with climate change.
Energy efficiency, greenhouse gas reporting and emission offsetting.
The tender contains sustainability considerations addressing gender equality and women's empowerment.
Gender mainstreaming, targeted employment of women, promotion of women-owned businesses.
The tender contains sustainability considerations regarding local MSMEs, local communities or disadvantaged groups.
Reserved labour opportunities for local communities, use of local materials, reserved procurements for local companies
The tender contains sustainability considerations promoting vendors' participation to the UN Global Compact.