INVITATION TO BID - ITB-HCR-SYR-2023-12 For The Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Tools and Fertilizer at DDP UNHCR Tartous Warehouse
The office of the United Nations High Commissioner Refugees (UNHCR) in Syria seeks quotations from interested contractors and companies for the establishment of frame agreement(s) for the Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Tools and Fertilizer UNHCR Tartous Warehouse.
All interested vendors may request the bidding documents (ITB) from: &
by a formal request to UNHCR on or before 30/04/2023. The email request must include the tender reference number in the subject line.
Offers should be submitted through UNHCR’s online registration and bid submission tool - eTenderBox in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the tender documents.
The Deadline for submitting offers is 30/04/2023 @23:59 Syria Time
The Deadline for submitting samples is 30/04/2023 @14:59 Syria Time