Shipment of Eighteen Armored Personnel Carriers and Two Containers door-to-port from Camp Ziouan ...

UN Secretariat
Shipment of Eighteen Armored Personnel Carriers and Two Containers door-to-port from Camp Ziouan ... Request for EOI

Reference: EOIUNDOF7855
Beneficiary countries: Syrian Arab Republic
Published on: 04-Jun-2012
Deadline on: 19-Jun-2012 00:00 0.00

The United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) intends to conduct a competitive bidding exercise for the provision Shipment of Eighteen Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs) and two Containers door-to-port from Camp Ziouani, Golan Heights, Israel to Mombasa, Kenya. The APCs consist of Fourteen (14) wheeled SISU,12.5 metric tons each and Four (4) tracks M-113, 10.4 metric tons each. Furthermore two (2) 20-foot containers containing spare parts for these APCS. The estimated weight of each container is approximatelyEight (08) metric tons excluding the weight of the actual containers. If you are interested to participate in the bidding process for the above, please send, latest by 19June 2012, an expression of interest with complete company details and company profile to the attention of Chief Procurement Officer via facsimile +97246866040 or +3908311836040 or via e-mail: Companies not yet registered with UNDOF will need to complete vendor registration process prior to participating in the bidding process. UNDOF reserves the right to verify the statements and not to invite all companies that expressed their interest, subject to the verification of their statements.     

Chief Procurement Officer