Development of a Multi-Hazard Platform for forecasting Local level climate extremes and physical ...

UN Secretariat
Development of a Multi-Hazard Platform for forecasting Local level climate extremes and physical ... Request for EOI

Reference: EOIUNON19555
Beneficiary countries: Malaysia
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 09-Mar-2022
Deadline on: 23-Mar-2022 00:00 (GMT 0.00)

The United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON), on behalf of Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) invites qualified interested firms to submit Expression of Interest (EOI) to participate in the upcoming solicitation for provision of technical assistance for Development of a Multi-Hazard Platform for forecasting Local level climate extremes and physical hazards for Iskandar Malaysia. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on behalf of the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) requires the services of an institution to deliver the technical assistance. The overall objective of this technical assistance is to to enable Iskandar Malaysia to take early actions to mitigate climate risk through a decision support system designed in an inclusive manner and based on the understanding of the local level climate extremes and their impacts by integrating them into a prototype Multi-Hazard Platform (MHP) focusing on coastal hazards. Other key aspects, such as an assessment of appropriate sources of finance and financing mechanisms, as well as gender sensitive capacity building and awareness activities, are also targeted in this TA so as to enable a fully operational, gender sensitive and effective MHP, integrated with impact-based forecasting, to be developed. More information about the project can be found at The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) is the operational arm of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Technology Mechanism and co-hosted by the United Nations Environment (UN Environment) in collaboration with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and supported by 11 partner institutions with expertise in climate technologies. The mission of the CTCN is to promote accelerated development and transfer of climate technologies at the request of developing countries for energy-efficient, low-carbon and climate-resilient development. CTCN provides technical assistance to the countries usings its own funds (which it receives through voluntary contributions of donor) or through the other funding sources specifically the Green Climate Funds (GCF) through the Readiness Programme. The requests for Technical Assistance (TA) are submitted to the CTCN by the National Designated Entity (NDE) of the respective country. In this present case the CTCN has developed a response plan and expect to implement the technical assistance on its own funding. The scope of services under these Terms of Reference shall be executed based on a restricted solicitation process where only accepted Members of the CTCN Network, are eligible to submit proposals. In case you are not a CTCN network member yet, you may apply for this REOI and subsequent soliciation (Request for Proposal), subject to the condition that you submit your completed application for CTCN membership before the proposal submission closing date, which will be communicated in the subsequent Request for Proposal in due course of time. Furthermore, the contract award – should your proposal be selected – is conditional to your application for CTCN network membership being approved by CTCN management. The requirement to join the CTCN network is only relevant to the main bidder and no subcontractors.

Ms. Grace Macharia