Emergency Projects: Procurement of 9 395.2 MT Urea (4 697.60 MT) and DAP fertilizers (4 697.60 MT) for various districts/provinces in Afghanistan

Emergency Projects: Procurement of 9 395.2 MT Urea (4 697.60 MT) and DAP fertilizers (4 697.60 MT) for various districts/provinces in Afghanistan Invitation to bid

Reference: 2021/FAAFG/FAAFG/111813
Beneficiary countries: Afghanistan
Published on: 03-Aug-2021
Deadline on: 31-Aug-2021 22:00 (GMT 4.30)

Emergency Projects: Procurement of 9 395.2 MT Urea (4 697.60 MT) and DAP fertilizers (4 697.60 MT) for various districts/provinces in Afghanistan
