RFP-2020-24:Communications consultant: Advocacy and communications for Education+ initiative
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to enter into a contractual agreement with a successful bidder and select a suitable contractor to develop and implement effective communications strategies to achieve advocacy goals related to the “Education+ initiative” coordinated by UNAIDS.
The consultancy will be for initially for one year and will require different activities over the course of the implementation of the Education+ initiative. The consultant will:
1. Serve as the focal point for on communications for the initiative. Manage communications coordination, outreach and engagement with multiple partners, and integrate feedback in ways which ensure buy-in and amplify reach and impact. Liaise with allies, with other UN agencies, and with other UNAIDS units as needed.
2. Lead directly on international communications. Guide regional and country teams on goals and approaches for their national communications.
3. Set out how communications will help enable the breakthroughs in political leadership, policy and practice that will fulfil the initiative’s advocacy goals, including identifying support needed.
4. Hone key messages for media and advocacy. Support high-profile champions in making the case, including drafting speeches and op-eds by a range of leaders.
5. Develop news stories in support of the advocacy goals of the initiative. Create press releases and materials, and help coordinate press conferences.
6. Lead communications for the 2021 high profile launch events at the AU and at the Generation Equality Forum.
7. Shape multi-media products in support of the advocacy goals of the initiative. Shape a strong brand for the initiative including developing a title and icon, and strong materials.
8. Ensure that the initiative has a strong presence in African media and that it has the media profile needed with policy-makers and influential.
“For details on the activities and expected outcomes please refer to the attached RFP document."