Supply of Various Beta Lactam Oral Medicines

Supply of Various Beta Lactam Oral Medicines Request for quotation

Reference: RFP-DAN-2024-503726
Beneficiary countries: Multiple destinations (see 'Countries' tab below)
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 05-Aug-2024
Deadline on: 30-Sep-2024 23:59 (GMT 2.00)


This tender is for supply f various Beta Lactam Oral Medicines.

Proposer shall ensure to download and read through all documents included in the Document Tab.  Special attention is given to document named RFP-DAN-2024-503726.  Proposers shall start with reading through this document and follow instruction accordingly

When submitting proposal, please ensure to follow the two steps as following:

Step 1: Commercial Proposal
Please email your COMPLETE Commercial Proposal to before deadline 23:59 hours (Copenhagen time) on 30 September 2024.  Please ensure that NO UNICEF staff shall be cced or bcced in this email.  Failure in complying will result in bid invalidation.  

Step 2: Technical Proposal
As soon as the Commercial Proposal is submitted, Proposers shall send separate request to Rennie Shonhiwa-Chikwanha at for creation of a folder in the SharePoint library for submission of the Technical Proposal.  COMPLETE Technical Proposal shall be uploaded to Sharepoint folder no later than 15 October 2024 at 23:59 hours Copenhagen time unless otherwise agreed to by UNICEF.  Please ensure that NO Commercial Proposal content is shared/disclosed in this process. Failure in complying will result in bid invalidation.