Supply, delivery and installation of Systems for blood management during surgery to the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Supply, delivery and installation of Systems for blood management during surgery to the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Request for quotation

Reference: RFQ/2023/45674
Beneficiary countries: Uzbekistan
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 15-Aug-2023
Deadline on: 30-Aug-2023 05:00 0.00

This RFQ refers to the Supply, delivery and installation of Systems for blood management during surgery to the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The requirement consists of the following 4 items divided into 4 lots: 

Lot # 1: Plasma collection system- 1 unit;
Lot # 2: Automatic Blood Cell Separator- 1 unit;
Lot # 3: Blood autotransfusion system- 2 units;
Lot # 4: Heart-lung machine- 1 unit.

Note to Bidders:
Bidders are allowed to quote prices for one or more lots identified in this tender. However, the Bidders must offer 100% of the quantities specified for each lot. Evaluation will be done separately for each lot. UNOPS reserves the right to vary the quantities of lots or remove a lot, and award multiple contracts for each lot.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the UNOPS eSourcing system, via the UNGM portal. In order to access the full UNOPS tender details, request clarifications on the tender, and submit a vendor response to a tender using the system, vendors need to be registered as a UNOPS vendor at the UNGM portal and be logged into UNGM. For guidance on how to register on UNGM and submit responses to UNOPS tenders in the UNOPS eSourcing system, please refer to the user guide and other resources available at: