Second Request for EOI for WHO Evaluation of Molecular Assays for Detection of Yellow Fever Virus for Surveillance

Second Request for EOI for WHO Evaluation of Molecular Assays for Detection of Yellow Fever Virus for Surveillance Request for EOI

Reference: 2022 EOI YF Mol-2
Beneficiary countries: Switzerland
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 22-Dec-2022
Deadline on: 03-Mar-2023 17:00 (GMT 1.00)


The World Health Organization (WHO) invites vendors to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for a WHO EVALUATION OF MOLECULAR ASSAYS FOR THE DETECTION OF YELLOW FEVER VIRUS FOR SURVEILLANCE which address the following objectives:

  1. To support the sustained availability of yellow fever in vitro diagnostics (IVDs) that contribute to yellow fever surveillance by facilitating the early detection of yellow fever outbreaks and the assessment of risks for yellow fever;
  2. To foster greater access to accurate, reliable yellow fever nucleic acid tests (NATs) in countries at high risk of yellow fever, aiming at aiding timely yellow fever outbreak response and planning of preventive mass vaccination campaign and routine immunization activities;
  3. To determine whether the commercially-available product under evaluation meets minimal WHO requirements for safety, quality and performance to support yellow fever surveillance programme as per WHO-recommended vaccine preventable disease surveillance standards;

WHO intends to invite selected vendors to participate in a formal solicitation, via a Request for Proposals (RFP), at a later stage, for the above requirements.  Complete details of the requirements will be included in the solicitation documents.

See detailed EOI document under “Documents” below. 

Please note: it is NOT necessary to click on “Express Interest” on the top right-hand side of the screen. In order to inform WHO that you are interested in participating in this Request for Proposals, please follow the provisions of the RFP document below.