Development of GOARN Online Serious Gaming Prototype for enhancing outbreak response

Development of GOARN Online Serious Gaming Prototype for enhancing outbreak response Request for proposal

Reference: 2021/WHE/GOARN/Training0001
Beneficiary countries: Switzerland
Published on: 06-Jul-2021
Deadline on: 02-Aug-2021 17:00 (GMT 2.00)


21.07.2021 - Set3 Q&A can be found under "Documents" below.

13.07.2021 - Set1 and Set2 Q&A can be found under "Documents" below.

The purpose of this Request for Proposals is to identify a suitable contractor to undertake the co-design, development and technical build of a serious online gaming prototype, targeting multidisciplinary public health emergency responders from around the world and utilising an outbreak response scenario. This prototype will be founded on innovative best-practices for virtual learning and will serve as a basis to build the large-scale multidisciplinary human response capacity with the cross-cutting knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to respond to COVID-19 and other infectious disease outbreaks.

See detailed Terms of Reference and bidding instructions under “Documents” below. 

Please note: it is NOT necessary to click on “Express Interest” on the top right hand side of the screen. In order to inform WHO that you are interested in participating in this Request for Proposals, please follow the provisions of the RFP document below.