Provision of services for Policy development and recommendation to support the RECP implementation and promotion under Eco-industria l Development concept Project Title: Application of industry-urban symbiosis and green chemistry for low emission and pers

Provision of services for Policy development and recommendation to support the RECP implementation and promotion under Eco-industria l Development concept Project Title: Application of industry-urban symbiosis and green chemistry for low emission and pers Request for proposal

Reference: 7000004743
Beneficiary countries: Thailand
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 15-Mar-2021
Deadline on: 06-Apr-2021 16:00 (GMT 1.00)

Tendering Text: Provision of services for Policy development and recommendation to support the RECP implementation and promotion under Eco-industrial Development concept Project Title: Application of industry-urban symbiosis and green chemistry for low emission and persistent organic pollutants free industrial development in Thailand (150036)