Consultant for costing and developing the monitoring & evaluation framework of Antimicrobial Resistance Plan

Consultant for costing and developing the monitoring & evaluation framework of Antimicrobial Resistance Plan Request for proposal

Reference: Consultant
Beneficiary countries: Tonga
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 02-May-2019
Deadline on: 15-May-2019 23:59 (GMT 8.00)




The Tonga National Multi-sectoral plan on AMR 2017-2022 was passed by the cabinet on November 2018 and launched by her Royal Highness on the same month.  The main goal of the country AMR plan is to improve the health of the nation by ensuring the continuous and effective treatment of antimicrobials on all kind of infections in human and animals in Tonga.

According to the plan, the AMR steering committee is responsible to oversee and coordinate the implementation of the activities in the AMR plan and reporting back to the higher authorities. The meeting of the Tonga National AMR steering committee was held in March 2019 and one of the meeting outcomes is to request for supporting the costing and M&E framework of the AMR plan.

Having a fully costed plan with its M&E framework will guide the country in ensuring that all the planned activities are prioritised and implemented effectively. Therefore, it is important to recruit a consultant that can support the AMR committee in strengthening their AMR plan and strategic actions.


To develop and outline the costing and monitoring & evaluation (M&E) framework of the Tonga National Multi-sectoral plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).

Planned timelines (subject to confirmation)
Start date: 27/05/2019
End date: 31/07/2019 (30 working days)


Qualified and interested specialists should submit their CV {for individual contractors} or Company Profile {for institutional applications} and Expression of Interest {cover letter} to the Supply Officer through WP RO UNGM at by 15 May 2019

The cover letter should outline experiences and qualifications to make them a suitable candidate for this position and should include their proposed daily consultancy fee and availability. Attache is the Term Of Reference.

Please use Tender Notice No. 89837  as subject to all submission.  Only successful candidates will be contacted.