Designing a specialization program for principals appointed by competition, taking into consideration the characteristics of the target population and the lessons learned from previous experiences Request for proposal

Reference: RFP N° 001-2018-LIM/Design of the specialization program for principals
Beneficiary countries: Peru
Published on: 22-Aug-2018
Deadline on: 20-Sep-2018 12:00 (GMT -4.00)



United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) hereby invite qualified companies to submit sealed tenders as follows:


To design a specialization program for principals appointed by competition, taking into consideration the characteristics of the target population and the lessons learned from the Induction and Specialization Stages of the National Program for the Training of Principals and sub-principals of IIEE for Basic and Technical Productive Education, for schools’ principals appointed by competition, as well as the Pilot Program for Training in Pedagogical Leadership.

Please refer to attached procurement notice.