Development of Communication materials for the dissemination of the key findings of the Vietnam Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey 2013 – 2014 (MICS)

Development of Communication materials for the dissemination of the key findings of the Vietnam Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey 2013 – 2014 (MICS) Request for proposal

Reference: RFP 14-16- Vietnam
Beneficiary countries: Viet Nam
Published on: 03-Dec-2014
Deadline on: 17-Dec-2014 10:00 (GMT 7.00)


Development of Communication materials for the dissemination of the key findings of the Vietnam Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey 2013 – 2014 (MICS)

During 2013-2014, UNICEF is supporting implementation of the fifth round of MICS surveys (MICS5) in Vietnam. The data generated by MICS5 and other nationally representative household surveys, will be critically important for filling in-country data gaps as well as for final MDGs reporting, and for monitoring commitments made toward A Promise Renewed. MICS enables countries to produce statistically sound and internationally comparable estimates of a range of indicators in the areas of health, education, child protection, water and sanitation and HIV and AIDS. MICS findings are typically one of the most important sources of data within a country used as a basis for policy decisions and programme interventions, and for influencing public opinion on the situation of children and women. In addition, MICS5 results will provide the baseline data for the post MDG agenda, next national analysis of children and women situation in Viet Nam and for development of new cycle of child sensitive SEDP 2012-2016 at both national and sub national levels.  Last but not least, importantly MICS5 will be a crucial data source to inform policy development and advocacy related to child rights implementation and monitoring in Viet Nam.


In order to promote the timely use of MICS5 results through effective information and advocacy channels, UNICEF in collaboration with GSO, is planning to develop a comprehensive MICS5 communication package which can be used to widely disseminate the its results to relevant stakeholders at sub national, national and international levels. The communication package will include audio-visual and print materials to promote key messages and to raise the awareness on children/women and MDGs status among policy makers, planners, Government. Line-Ministries, National Assembly, CSO, NGO and INGOs, mass media organisations and individuals at all levels.  The SPG programme will select a suitable institution to provide the services outlined in these Terms of Reference (TOR).