Translation of ICAT guides to French and execution of related outreach activities

Translation of ICAT guides to French and execution of related outreach activities Grant support-call for proposal

Reference: CFP-11875-2024-03
Beneficiary countries: Multiple destinations (see 'Countries' tab below)
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 01-Aug-2024
Deadline on: 02-Sep-2024 23:59 (GMT 2.00)


The Initiative for Climate Action Transparency was established in 2015 at the COP that adopted the Paris Agreement to support implementation of the Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework. The Initiative works with over 50 developing countries ranging from large countries, like Nigeria, to small islands, such as Antigua & Barbuda.

ICAT provides countries with tailored support and practical tools and methodologies to build robust transparency frameworks needed for effective climate action in sync with national development priorities. The projects ICAT supports relate to: building or enhancing transparency frameworks for mitigation; building a monitoring and evaluation approach for adaptation; building or enhancing frameworks to track progress in implementing nationally determined contributions; assessing the impacts of climate policies;  estimating or enhancing projections of greenhouse gases; integrating and/or aggregating climate actions at the subnational level and by non-State actors; building a tracking system for just transition processes; establishing or enhancing a climate data system; and putting in place a framework to track climate finance.

To support these areas, ICAT offers a suite of practical, open-source tools and methodologies to provide effective support to the transparency efforts of countries around the world.

The ICAT toolbox is composed of over 40 tools and guides, ranging from policy assessment guides to data management, projection and impact assessment tools. Based on demand from countries, ICAT is seeking a grantee to translate the following guides from English to French, and deliver a series of related outreach activities, to increase the accessibility of these guides in French-speaking developing countries, particularly those in Africa.