Request for Proposal for the supply of Ophthalmic medicines - for establishment of LTAs with UNICEF
UNICEF invites to submit a proposal for the RFP for the establishment of Long Term Agreements for the supply of Ophthalmic medicines for the replenishment of UNICEF warehouse and direct deliveries.
The deadline to submit an offer is February 10th 2025. However, there will be 4 windows and UNICEF will review the offers received after the closing of each window.
WINDOW 1 SUBMISSION DEADLINE: postponed to 4th September 2024
WINDOW 2 SUBMISSION DEADLINE: postponed to 4th October 2024
Please note that once a commercial offer is submitted in a Window period, the same offer should NOT be submitted again in another Window period, UNLESS there are changes to the commercial offer for the items already offered.
The presentation from the pre-bid conference (webinar) has been added to the documents.
The recording is available using the following link:
Presentation from the Pre-bid webinar added.
The recording is available using the following link:
Please disregard the button "Express Interest" on UNGM.
For instructions on how to organize and submit your Commercial and Technical Proposals, kindly refer to Part II: Proposal Submission Process, Section 1.3 (page 13), Section 5.7 (page 17) and Section 5.8 (page 18).
Proposers shall submit their commercial proposals by email to: (do NOT copy any other UNICEF e-mail address)
Then request the creation of a SharePoint folder by sending an email to (copy with the following information:
* Full name and address of proposer
* INN description of the products offered, including pack size/type/strength
* Email address(es) of the contact person(s) in the company to access the SharePoint folder.
* Manufacturing site information for each product offered (include street address, city & country).
All technical documents for the Technical Proposal must be uploaded to the SharePoint site (Please refer to Annex 2h - Instructions for uploading Technical Documents to SharePoint).
If you have questions, please send them to:
- Questions regarding the process and commercial proposal should be sent to Mada Plesner ( ), copy Caroline Kiyiika ( )
- Questions regarding the technical proposal should be sent to Martina Podobnikar ( ), copy Rennie Shonhiwa-Chukwanha ( and Peter Ikamati ( )
Any e-mail communication regarding this tender should include in the subject "RFP-DAN-2023-503616 - [Company Name]"
Sustainable Procurement practices integrate requirements, specifications, and criteria that are compatible and in favour of the protection of the environment, the social progress and in support of economic development. These practices seek resource efficiency, improve the quality of products and services, and ultimately optimize costs (HLCM Procurement Network). Sustainable Procurement is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (goals 12 and 12.7), and it also contributes to the achievement of all SDGs. This procurement opportunity is considered sustainable as it incorporates at least three sustainability considerations, in accordance with the HLCM Procurement Network's Sustainable Procurement Working Group - Sustainability Indicators Framework. To learn more about which considerations are included in this procurement opportunity, please see below for a specific description. For more information, contact the procurement official or author of this procurement opportunity.
The tender contains sustainability considerations related to human rights, fundamental principles and rights at work, occupational health and safety, fairly traded goods, targeted employment of people with disabilities, etc.
The tender contains sustainability considerations promoting sustainability through the entire supply chain.
Sustainability requirements for tier 2 suppliers, identification and approval of subcontractors.
The tender contains sustainability considerations related to the protection of the environment, biodiversity and restoration of natural habitats.
Sustainable/ organic agriculture, fishing or forestry.
The tender incorporates contract conditions/ KPIs that stipulate the verification of suppliers' environmental and social claims through “spot checks” and audit provisions.
The tender contains sustainability considerations promoting the sustainable use of resources.
Energy-saving measures, recycling, take-back programmes and responsible end-of-life management