RFP 2024.11 Supporting Unitaid in the design and implementation of innovative financing mechanisms. Request for proposal

Reference: UNITAID/P/0007997
Beneficiary countries: Switzerland
Published on: 23-May-2024
Deadline on: 20-Jun-2024 17:00 (GMT 2.00)


RFP 2024.11 Supporting Unitaid in the design and implementation of innovative financing mechanisms.

In order to access the Request for Proposal (RFP) documents, please log-in as a registered Supplier (Account registration accessible on https://www.ungm.org/Account/Registration). If Bidder experience difficulties in accessing the RFP documents after having registered and expressed interest, please send an email to: unitaid-proc@who.int.

Objective of the consultancy:

To identify suitable service provider(s) with relevant experience to support Unitaid in the creation and implementation of innovative financing mechanisms to mobilize resources, enhance financial sustainability and drive progress towards achieving its resource mobilization target.

Qualification of Firm and Consultants:

The successful bidder will assemble an experienced team that can support the works required above, with sufficient project management oversight and seniority. The firm and proposed team shall have demonstrated expertise in the following:

1. Demonstrating a deep understanding of Unitaid’s institutional parameters, including its governance, operating model, Specified Funding Policy, Strategy and Programmatic Priorities, and WHO’s Framework for Engagement with Non-State Actors (FENSA).

2. Contractor/s should have a proven track record of delivering high-quality consultancy services in the field of innovative development financing, particularly for global health matters, with experience working with UN or other international organizations comparable to Unitaid and/or major institutions. In this regard, the contractor/s will include three relevant past performance case examples in the proposal.

3. Access to relevant networks and partnerships within the global health and finance sectors would be advantageous.

4. Contractor/s must have and demonstrate a sound understanding of the global health architecture and the value added by Unitaid within this context, for example in low and middle-income countries and on specific diseases. More specifically, the contractor/s should demonstrate an awareness of factors that could influence the successful implementation of financing mechanisms at Unitaid.

5. The successful contractor/s should demonstrate access to a multidisciplinary team with finance, economics, public health, and development expertise.

6. Additionally, the contractor should have access to relevant databases, tools, and resources necessary for conducting comprehensive literature reviews, data analysis, and stakeholder consultations.

7. Strong project management skills, analytical skills, effective communication, and working collaboratively with diverse stakeholders are essential.

Bidders are invited to submit a proposal for the above mentioned RFP in accordance to the documents attached in the "Tender Document" tab. Proposals must be submitted via UNGM, through the “RFP documents” tab and upload documents in “My Tender Return” no later than 17:00 hours Geneva time on 20 June 2024.