Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future (O3) Malawi Final Evaluation

Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future (O3) Malawi Final Evaluation Request for proposal

Reference: HAR/EHW/O3 Malawi Final Evaluation
Beneficiary countries: Zimbabwe
Published on: 31-Aug-2023
Deadline on: 30-Sep-2023 17:00 (GMT 2.00)


UNESCO is seeking the services of an external evaluation team to conduct a Final Evaluation of Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future (O3) Malawi project.


The Final Evaluation of Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future (O3) Malawi project is expected to commence in October 2023 and conclude by February 2024.

The  main deliverables for this evaluation are as follows:

  1. Inception report which elaborates the evaluation framework, adjusted evaluation questions, evaluation methodology, sampling, and work plan with a clear distribution of tasks among team members
  2. Data Collection tools and detailed Report Outline
  3. Draft Evaluation Report which includes the populated results framework as well as indicator data tables incorporating all countries as relevant.
  4. Final Evaluation report, which reflects input from the stakeholder/ validation workshop, as well as raw indicator data in any of the following statistical packages (Excel, SPSS).
  5. PowerPoint presentation and 4-5 page summary of the evaluation findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
  6. Comparative Analysis report.

Please refer to attached procurement notice.