PRC0027881 COFSA - Call for Proposals for Conscious Food Incubator 2023

PRC0027881 COFSA - Call for Proposals for Conscious Food Incubator 2023 Grant support-call for proposal

Reference: PRC0027881
Beneficiary countries or territories: Multiple destinations (see 'Countries' tab below)
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 06-Jul-2023
Deadline on: 18-Aug-2023 12:00 (GMT 2.00)



The Conscious Food Systems Alliance (CoFSA), convened by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is a movement of food, agriculture, and consciousness practitioners united around a common goal: to support people from across food and agriculture systems to cultivate the inner capacities that activate systemic change and regeneration. 

The Conscious Food Incubator intends to support the experimentation of innovative approaches to transform food systems through the cultivation of inner capacities, to scale up and accelerate progress towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  The cultivation of inner capacities for regenerative food systems constitutes a new field of practice which requires testing and innovation to identify, develop and nurture potentially transformative solutions.

The objectives of the Conscious Food Incubator are the following:

  • To test and demonstrate how consciousness approaches can strengthen inner capacities that in turn help accelerate the transformation of food systems to make them more regenerative, sustainable and equitable.
  • To generate a set of learnings and learning resources – in the form of case studies, training materials, trainers and partners – which can be used to scale-up the integration of consciousness-based practices and strengthening of inner capacities for food systems transformation.

The potential grantees are expected to utilize grant funds to deliver products aligned to the objectives of the CoFSA project as described and further detailed in the enclosed files.

Enclosed please find all required documentation /templates to apply; any request for clarification must be sent to the following e-mail address:   

All proposals must be submitted to the same e-mail address: 

Interest to apply should submit proposals under reference "PRC0027881 – Call for proposals for Conscious Food Incubator 2023", no later than 18 August 2023 at 15:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time). 

Proposals received after the deadline WILL NOT be considered. 

We look forward to receive your proposals. 

Please note, only successful proposals will be contacted.