Long-term arrangement for professional English-Vietnamese translation services
UNICEF Viet Nam is looking for professional translation agencies based in Viet Nam to provide written translation, as well as oral simultaneous and consecutive translation for our technical documents, communication materials, events and visits.
Details of the assignment can be found in the attached "Annex B-TOR for EV translation services_FINAL" and "LRPS-2023-9183763_LTA for EV translation services_signed" document.
Proposals must be submitted by email to procurementvn@unicef.org before the deadline of 24.00hrs, 31 July 2023, Hanoi time (max 25MB per email, multiple emails recommended if required).
For queries, please email to Ms Hoang Lan Huong at hhoang@unicef.org before 24.00hrs, 20 July 2023, Hanoi time.
The tender contains sustainability considerations addressing gender equality and women's empowerment.
Gender mainstreaming, targeted employment of women, promotion of women-owned businesses.
The tender incorporates contract conditions/ KPIs that stipulate the verification of suppliers' environmental and social claims through “spot checks” and audit provisions.