Implementation Guideline on Plastic Lifecycle Management National Policy and Municipality-level Action Plan for The project “Promoti ng sustainable plastic value chains through circular economy practices” UNIDO SAP 210184

Implementation Guideline on Plastic Lifecycle Management National Policy and Municipality-level Action Plan for The project “Promoti ng sustainable plastic value chains through circular economy practices” UNIDO SAP 210184 Request for proposal

Reference: 7000005667
Beneficiary countries: Nigeria
Published on: 05-Aug-2022
Deadline on: 08-Aug-2022 16:00 (GMT 2.00)

Tendering Text: Implementation Guideline on Plastic Lifecycle Management National Policy and Municipality-level Action Plan for The project “Promoting sustainable plastic value chains through circular economy practices” UNIDO SAP 210184

First name: Alessandra
Surname: BRAVIN