Restoration of Archeological Museum of Durres, Albania
Restoration of Archeological Museum of Durres, Albania
Invitation to bid
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10-Jun-2022 17:00 0.00
Subject: Invitation to Bid for the Provision of Restoration of Archeological Museum of Durres, Albania
The main objective is the performance of required implementation activities to ensure the correct and proper works are carried out for the Restoration of Archeological Museum of Durres, including installation of equipment for audio visual interpretation content to the acceptance of UNOPS as specified in contract documents. United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is pleased to invite prospective bidders to bid in accordance
IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the UNOPS eSourcing system via United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) portal ( and submit a vendor response to a tender using the system. Vendors need to be registered as a UNOPS vendor at the UNGM portal and be logged into UNGM. For guidance how to register on UNGM and submit responses to UNOPS Tenders in the UNOPS esourcing system, please refer to the user guide and other resources available at:
If you are interested in submitting a bid in response to this ITB, please prepare your bid in accordance with the requirements and process as set out in this ITB and submit your bid to UNOPS by the Deadline for Bid Submission set out in the section Bid Particulars.
Interested in improving your knowledge of what UNOPS procures, how we procure and how to become a vendor to supply to our organization? Learn more about our free online course on “Doing business with UNOPS” here
The main objective is the performance of required implementation activities to ensure the correct and proper works are carried out for the Restoration of Archeological Museum of Durres, including installation of equipment for audio visual interpretation content to the acceptance of UNOPS as specified in contract documents. United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is pleased to invite prospective bidders to bid in accordance
IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the UNOPS eSourcing system via United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) portal ( and submit a vendor response to a tender using the system. Vendors need to be registered as a UNOPS vendor at the UNGM portal and be logged into UNGM. For guidance how to register on UNGM and submit responses to UNOPS Tenders in the UNOPS esourcing system, please refer to the user guide and other resources available at:
If you are interested in submitting a bid in response to this ITB, please prepare your bid in accordance with the requirements and process as set out in this ITB and submit your bid to UNOPS by the Deadline for Bid Submission set out in the section Bid Particulars.
Interested in improving your knowledge of what UNOPS procures, how we procure and how to become a vendor to supply to our organization? Learn more about our free online course on “Doing business with UNOPS” here
This tender has been posted through the UNOPS eSourcing system. / Cet avis a été publié au moyen du système eSourcing de l'UNOPS. / Esta licitación ha sido publicada usando el sistema eSourcing de UNOPS. Vendor Guide / Guide pour Fournisseurs / Guíra para Proveedores:
First name:
Post disaster renovation and repair service
New amendment added #5: Rev. 4 This amendment is related to:Conservation architect/engineer holding a Degree in Civil/Building Engineering or Architecture with 10 years’ work experience in implementation of restoration and conservation projects as proven by conservation license Z/A/6: Application in Conservation and Restoration of Designed Architecture issued by the Ministry of Culture as per Albanian legislation
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09-Jun-2022 09:18
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New clarification added: Dear Bidder,Please refer to REV 3 amendment, regarding some changes in Schedule 6.Type 1/ D04-Hermetically sealed expositor and Type1/ D17-Hermetically sealed expositor drawings are not missing, they can be found respectively under 'Documents" namely "A-1 1.3.2_DD_Architectural_Design_Part4.pdf " .Kind RegardsProcurement TeamUNOPS Albania
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30-May-2022 15:57
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New amendment added #4: Rev. 3 This amendment is related to:SCHEDULE 6- Proposed Project Team and Organizational Structure (Mandatory) - Conservator of Works of Art, Degree in History/History of Art and similar 10 years’ experience in conservation of works of art, movable objects in museum collections of different materials, as evidenced with a license ZV 3, 4 5 and 6. or the bidder should submit the readiness statement (accompanied with Confirmation letter from Museum Center of Durres) which in case of Award will be followed by the Cooperation Agreement between the awarded company and the Museum Center of Durres. Both or either of requirements if met separately or individually are considered as qualification met as per requirements of the bid.Is updated as follows:SCHEDULE 6- Proposed Project Team and Organizational Structure (Mandatory) - Conservator of Works of Art,, Degree in History/History of Art and similar 10 years’ experience in conservation of works of art, movable objects in museum collections of different materials, as evidenced with a license ZV 3, 4 5 and 6. In case that the bidder does not have licensed Conservator of Works Art, they can provide Specialist of Conservator of Works Art with Degree in History/History of Art and 10 year experience in conservation of works of art, movable objects in museum collections of different materials with additional " Returnable Schedule 21 - STATEMENT OF READINESS" uploaded under "Documents" section of this ITB.Both or either of requirements if met separately or individually are considered as qualification met as per requirements of the bid.In additional of the above changes please note the following clarifications:The bidder needs to take into consideration that items in BoQ regarding the section pertaining works Prior to start of conservation works (line 34-41) and the section pertaining the After the Conservation works - Museum works (line 45-48) the Bidder needs to include in the financial proposal a cost for a number of conservator of arts specialists required to conduct the works including conservators of works of art for different materials and archeologists, with minimum 10 years of experience in the relevant field. Please be aware that the aforementioned work items include artifacts both inside and outside the Museum. The bidder shall be working on these items under the supervision/guidance and support of the Museum center in Durres and the Institute of Archaeology
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30-May-2022 15:34
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New amendment added #3: Rev. 3 This amendment is related to:1. The deadline for submission of the offers for ITB 2022/41745 is extended till 10 June 2022 17:00 UTC2.. The deadline for clarifications is extended consequently till 06 June 2022 17:00 UTC.Kind regards,Procurement teamUNOPS Albania
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29-May-2022 11:40
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New clarification added: Dear Sirs,Because the new added alternative requirement "readiness statement (accompanied with Confirmation letter from Museum Center of Durres) which in case of Award will be followed by the Cooperation Agreement between the awarded company and the Museum Center of Durres" takes some time to be prepared and agreed, can you postpone the submission deadline with a few more days?Also we can't find the drawings for E. MUSEUM EQUIPMENT: Type1/ D04-Hermetically sealed expositor and Type1/ D17-Hermetically sealed expositorThanks in advance!Dear Sir/Madam, We will come back with clarification on drawings E.., decision on extension of deadlines and also clarification on Cooperation agreement on Monday 30.05.2022 COB. With best regards, UNOPS
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27-May-2022 17:16
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New clarification added: Q1 – Insurances – Schedule 7The table with the insurances shown in table 7 are usually insurance policies that are acquired for construction works on specific construction sites and are acquired by insurance companies after construction permits are issued and in case of awards.Please kindly inform us whether it should be completed with the insurance company and contacts of the insurance broker that will issue these policies in case of an award, or samples of insurance policies of past projects.Dear Sir/MadamYes, the insurances to be submitted only in case of award, however statement of readiness to be included. Usual insurances are : employers liability Public and product liability; Workers , All risk liability and plant and equipment insurance. With regards, UNOPS
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27-May-2022 17:11
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New amendment added #2: Dear Bidders,Following the second pre-bid meeting and the site visit held on 24 May 2022 11:00 a.m. Albania time at Archeological Museum of Durres Albania, please find attached the Minutes of the meeting.Kind regards,Procurement teamUNOPS Albania
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25-May-2022 13:56
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New clarification added: Dear Bidder,As it is mentioned in Particulars "Language of bids Official UNOPS language is English". No need for notarized or licensed translator version.Kind regards,Procurement TeamUNOPS Albania
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25-May-2022 11:00
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New clarification added: Dear Suppliers, UNOPS would like to bring to your attention the Amendment to the Tender ITB/2022/41745 for consideration while preparation of the bids and believes that it addresses all concerns raised in the ESourcing clarification module as well as other communication received with regards to this Tender. IMPORTANT NOTE:Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the UNOPS eSourcing system via United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) portal ( and submit a vendor response to a tender using the system. Please refer to the user guide and other resources available at: With best regards, UNOPS Albania
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20-May-2022 10:18
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New clarification added: Dear SirPlease specify the completion period of the works after you have written in Annex B that (The entire work shall be completed within 6 months from the date of Commencement of activities) while in other documents note that (The entire work shall be completed within 12 months from the date of Commencement of activities).Kind regardsDear Supplier, This is to confirm that the timeline for implementation of these works is 12 Month. Please see amendment to Tender clause 6. With kind regards, UNOPS Albania
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20-May-2022 10:15
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New clarification added: Dear Suppliers, UNOPS would like to bring to your attention the amendment for consideration while preparation of the bids and believes that it addresses this question and other points raised in the ESourcing clarification module as well as other communication received with regards to this Tender. as per amendment clause 9. Please note the changes in the BoQ - 2.8 Digital Equipments with regards to the requirements for the equipment, has been removed and the updated BoQ is attached under "Documents"with best regards, .UNOPS Albania
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20-May-2022 10:03
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New amendment added #1: Rev. 1 This amendment is related to:1. The deadline for submission of the offers for ITB 2022/41745 is extended till 31.05.2022 17:00 UTC2. Section "Particulars" Site Visit inspection date: One additional mandatory site visit is added on 24.05.2022 09:00 (UTC),11:00 Tirana time.Please note that companies that participated in the Site visit on 17.05.2022 are not obliged to attend again.Also please note that no transportation will be provided from UNOPS. 3. The deadline for clarifications is extended consequently till 27.05.2022 17:00 UTC.4. Eligibility and formal Criteria: Bid security which is mandatory should equal EUR 10,000 or in the equivalent in ALL. The bid security should be presented with the bid submission. The original of the same bank (or alternatively issued by Insurance company) guarantee document may be requested by UNOPS at any stage of the evaluation process, to be submitted by post upon such request5. Under qualification criteria, The financial criteria is introduced: Bidder has provided at least three services of similar nature and scope during the last 5 years. Total of these contracts during the last 5 years accumulates to 5.000.000 Euro (five million) or equivalent. Evidence to be included in the Tender (e.g. References, Copy of contract with detailed description of the works completed). This criteria can be met also by forming the Joint Venture. As per UNOPS Procurement Manual for this criteria “All joint venture members combined must meet it”. 6. Correction of the timelines for the implementation. The reference is made draft Contract, schedule 2, which states 12 Months. The Scope of Work paragraph 2 is updated accordingly. 7. Section IV, Returnable form, schedule 8 CAPACITY, EXPERIENCE, WORK IN HAND AND WORK COMPLETED - 4. Assets is updated to reflect the Technical criteria as per Solicitation requirements stipulated under “ Criteria”.8.SCHEDULE 6- Proposed Project Team and Organizational Structure (Mandatory) - Conservator of Works of Art, Degree in History/History of Art and similar 10 years’ experience in conservation of works of art, movable objects in museum collections of different materials, as evidenced with a license ZV 3, 4 5 and 6 is updated as follows:Conservator of Works of Art, Degree in History/History of Art and similar 10 years’ experience in conservation of works of art, movable objects in museum collections of different materials, as evidenced with a license ZV 3, 4 5 and 6. or the bidder should submit the readiness statement (accompanied with Confirmation letter from Museum Center of Durres) which in case of Award will be followed by the Cooperation Agreement between the awarded company and the Museum Center of Durres. Both or either of requirements if met separately or individually are considered as qualification met as per requirements of the bid.9. Please note the changes in the BoQ - 2.8 Digital Equipments with regards to the requirements for the equipment, has been removed and the updated BoQ is under "Documents". 10. The minutes of the site visit of 17.05.2022 is uploaded.Kind regards,Procurement teamUNOPS Albania
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20-May-2022 08:56
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