LRFP 2021-9169546 Consultancy Service for Education Sector Review in Armenia.

LRFP 2021-9169546 Consultancy Service for Education Sector Review in Armenia. Request for proposal

Reference: LRFP 2021-9169546
Beneficiary countries or territories: Armenia
Published on: 30-Aug-2021
Deadline on: 13-Sep-2021 18:00 (GMT 4.00)


UNICEF Armenia announces a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Consultancy Service for Education Sector Review in Armenia.

The purpose of the consultancy is to undertake a comprehensive analysis of the Education sector in line with GPE guidelines. The results of the sector analysis and the assessment of the 2021-2026 Government Activities Program will feed into the development of a detailed three-year action plan. More details are provided in the attached LRFP.

Interested organizations are invited to submit their applications to the below mentioned e-mails latest by Monday, 13 September, 18:00.

IMPORTANT NOTE! Technical Proposals should be sent to the following e-mail address: Financial Proposal should be sent to the following e-mail: Please mention LRFP 2021-9169546 in the subject line of your e-mails. Duly filled Bid Form should be submitted with both Technical and Financial Proposals.


All procedures are in detail described in the attached LRFP. It should be noted that proposals not complying to the application procedures will be considered as invalid.

An explanatory meeting for potential bidders will be held on 6 September 2021, 14:00, where details of the LRFP will be provided and related questions addressed. Please click the below mentioned link, in order to access to the online meeting via Microsoft Teams:

If any questions related to application procedures occur, please respond to this e-mail. Answers to received questions will be published on UNICEF Armenia webpage:


Best Regards,
