Provision of technical assistance, implementation of GCF project on "Development of Energy Effic ...

UN Secretariat
Provision of technical assistance, implementation of GCF project on "Development of Energy Effic ... Request for EOI

Reference: EOIUNON18004
Beneficiary countries: Lebanon
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 18-Dec-2020
Deadline on: 24-Jan-2021 00:00 (GMT 0.00)

The United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON), on behalf of Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) invites qualified interested firms to submit Expression of Interest (EOI) to participate in the upcoming solicitation for provision of technical assistance implementation of GCF project on "Development of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling program for electric motors, transformers, washing machines and TVs in Lebanon." United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on behalf of the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) requires the services of an institution to deliver the technical assistance as approved by the Green Climate Fund under its readiness proposal. The overall objective of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) readiness proposal is to support Lebanon in achieving national targets for energy efficiency. Some of the expected outcome, outputs and activities are; 1. Enhancement of Lebanon’s strategic energy efficiency framework and regular update of MEPS (Minimum Energy Performance Standards) and labels for appliances as well as the actual implementation of such MEPS and labels legislation and support mechanisms for electric motors, washing machines, TVs, and electric transformers. 2. Policy mechanism to introduce and update MEPS, labels and its MV&E (Monitoring, Verification and Enforcement) activities effectively preventing inefficient equipment from entering the market. 3. Establish MEPS and labeling policy for electric motors and develop related market MV&E and communication plans. The complete details of the requirement will be provided in the tender documents that will be issued to bidders after this request for EOI is closed.

Jecinta Cheruiyot