Strengthening national humanitarian mine action capacity in​ the central regions of Mali

Strengthening national humanitarian mine action capacity in​ the central regions of Mali Grant support-call for proposal

Reference: MAL_UNMAS_22299_2020_002
Beneficiary countries: Mali
Published on: 03-Nov-2020
Deadline on: 01-Dec-2020 12:00 (GMT 0.00)


The activities requested in this CFP are divided in two Sectors within the same geographic/administrative locations in Mali (hereinafter referred to as “central regions of Mali”):

  • Sector 1: Development of national capacities through the implementation of Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE), Non-Technical Survey (NTS), Community Liaison (CL), Community Violence Reduction activities (CVR), Identification and Referral of Victims, and First Aid Training.
  • Sector 2: Development of national capacities through the implementation of Explosive Ordnance Victim Assistance Activities (VA), Emergency Risk Education and First Aid Training

Applicants may apply for one or two Sectors. Applicants that wish to apply for both Sectors must complete and submit a separate proposal for each Sector (which comprises a separate CFP Annex A: Grant Application Template, and CFP Annex B: Grant Budget Template). Each Sector will constitute the issuance of a separate Grant
Support Agreement, unless one Applicant is awarded both Sectors, in which case an amalgamated GSA may suffice.