Container Medical Laboratory for Niue Foou Hospital, Alofi, Niue Island

Container Medical Laboratory for Niue Foou Hospital, Alofi, Niue Island Request for proposal

Reference: WPRO/2020-10/WHE_COVID19/TN115456/lal
Beneficiary countries: Niue
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 08-Oct-2020
Deadline on: 21-Oct-2020 23:59 (GMT 8.00)



Niue, also known as the “Rock of Polynesia”, is an island situated in the South Pacific Ocean. The island is located 2,400 kilometres northeast of New Zealand and its neighbouring islands are Tonga, Samoa and the Cook Islands. It is one of the world’s largest coral islands with an approximate land area of 259 square kilometres. The capital of Niue is Alofi.

The population of Niue is currently about 1600 (2019).  There is substantial emigration to New Zealand due to Niue’s lack of natural resources, its isolation and insufficient social and economic development.  Tourism is an important economic source for Niue. Healthcare is provided by Foou Hospital, Alofi which has 20 beds, outpatient clinics, pharmacy, X-ray, ultrasound and medical laboratory.  Non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure/hypertension, gout, asthma and cancer are a major health care concern in Niue.  Although there are currently no cases of COVID-19 in Niue the country needs to be prepared for its introduction as movement of people recommences with the likelihood of transmission.  These preparations will include a testing strategy and capacity appropriate for the population of Niue and its visitors.

The 2017 Niue TB supervisory visit report indicated that the laboratory service in Foou hospital is technically proficient but has a limited testing scope and insufficient space for the existing laboratory equipment and storage space for supplies.  All phlebotomy work is carried out in a separate room which is shared with nursing staff for triage work on patients.  Preparation of potentially high-risk samples (sputum, faeces) are processed outside of the hospital buildings away from patient and staff.  There is need for appropriate biosafety support within the laboratory for patients and staff.  Currently SARS-Cov-2 testing can be performed by the Cepheid GeneXpert assay and it is intended to introduce a point of care assay as part of the testing strategy and create resilience.  There is no room for expansion and so there is need for a new facility that can house appropriate equipment and analysers and provide required level of safety for patients and staff.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for improved biosafety within the medical laboratory. However, it has also provided an opportunity to build general capacity, sustainability and resilience for the laboratory for the long-term to address the specific health concerns of Niueans.  Therefore, a call is submitted for the design and construction of a mobile/container laboratory, implementation of appropriate validated/verified equipment to deliver the range of necessary tests, relevant training of staff and provision of reagents and kits on a regular basis to deliver the medical laboratory service for Niue’s Foou hospital.



The specific objective of this advertisement is to seek interested parties to submit a proposal for the design and construction and delivery and installation of a mobile/container laboratory, implementation of appropriate validated/verified equipment to deliver the range of necessary tests, relevant training of staff and provision of a year’s reagents and kits on a regular basis to deliver the medical laboratory service for Niue’s Foou hospital.

The proposed medical laboratory should meet the following criteria:

  1. Provide container laboratory with sufficiently large footprint for the delivery of a phlebotomy service, biochemistry, haematology, microbiology, serology and molecular analysis, blood transfusion laboratory service and biosafety level 2 facilities.
  2. Provide installation of equipment in the container laboratory;
  3. Selection and installation of appropriate equipment / analyzers to provide the required testing scope including biosafety level 2 facilities; 
  4. Validation and verification of laboratory equipment after set-up of container laboratory on-site;
  5. Training of laboratory staff in all aspects of the service including quality management over a one-year period;
  6. Provide warranty for container laboratory for one year and three-year maintenance and service schedule for laboratory equipment.



This advertisement is to seek technical and financial submission for the following work:

  1. Title of work: Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of container medical laboratory and training of laboratory staff to provide medical laboratory services for Poou Hospital, Niue.
  2. Technical Specifications:
    1. Provision of a medical laboratory and its service for the people of Niue.
    2. the technology shall provide, but is not limited to, the following tests for Niue:
      1. Biochemistry – Electrolytes: Na/K+; Urea, Creatinine, Glucose; Liver, Function Tests: Bilirubin, AST, ALT, GGT, ALP, TP, ALB; Lipids: Cholesterol, HDL, Triglycerides, LDL; Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphate, Uric Acid, HbA1C; Cardiac markers: (TropT), CK; Pancreatic amylase, Iron Studies: Transferrin, Ferritin, Total Iron; Urine: Electrolytes, Creatinine and Microalbumin; Blood Gas: pH, pCO2, Bicarb, Lactate, Glucose, Hb; MISC: CRP, LDH, Pregnancy test;
      2. Haematology – 3 part differential: FBC; Coagulation screen: INR, APTT, fibrinogen, bleeding time; blood film examination
      3. Serology – HBV, HCV, HIV, syphilis, dengue
      4. Microbiology – Urine microscopy and UA dipstick; faecal microscopy including parasitology/FOB; fungal scrapings, fluid analysis: cell counts, uric acid; gram stain: all clinical samples (swabs/fluids/tissues etc); AFB stains, GeneXpert testing: STI screen, MTB/RIF, SARS-CoV-2, Flu A/B, RSV
      5. Blood transfusion – Blood donor collection services, blood group typing, crossmatch, antibody detection
      6. Sendaway tests – Histology/cytology, microbiology culture, other specialist tests
      7. Phlebotomy service – bloods of all types for respective tests
    3. Validation and verification of all equipment will be part of the commissioning process of the container medical laboratory;
    4. The submission must include the following:
      1. All the essential equipment required to provide the above scope of testing and include:
        • Air conditioning;
        • PCs or equivalent, WiFi capability, printer;
        • Furniture (chair/lights etc);
        • UPS systems
  3. Successful bidder shall be responsible for, but not limited to, the following items:
    1. Installation of the proposed systems or technology at a designated site on the Poou hospital grounds to be determined by the hospital management, Niue;
    2. To provide the specifications for construction and related electrical requirements for the installation of the container laboratory in coordination with the Poou hospital management.
    3. Commissioning of the proposed systems or technology to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the systems or technology;
    4. To propose a minimal quantity of reagents, kits and quality controls for one year and its supply.
    5. Training in the use of equipment, tests and quality management systems will be provided for all sections of the medical laboratory so that laboratory staff are competent to provide the full range tests.
  4. Warranty
    1. Minimum 3 years for maintenance and calibration of equipment / analysers.
    2. Minimum 1 year warranty for the container laboratory structure and fittings
  5. Handover
    1. Physical verification by the Ministry of Health Niue or any other agency authorized by the Ministry of Niue that the container laboratory operates according to the specifications provided
    2. Validation and verification of all laboratory equipment and tests;
    3. Fire-hazard / electrical safety standards verified by the Ministry of Health Niue or any other agency authorized by the Ministry of Niue.



Interested bidders are requested to submit a detailed proposal which constitute the above technical specification, including timeline to complete the project, as well as a detailed financial proposal with breakdown of costs for the following items:

  1. Design, construction and supply of the container laboratory and associated equipment and analysers
  2. Transport, installation and commissioning of the container laboratory at the Foou hospital site
  3. Validation and verification of all equipment / analyzers
  4. Training on all aspects of testing and quality management systems to existing staff
  5. Supply of reagents and kits for one year[NTML(1] 




Essential:  Interested bidders must have medical laboratory qualifications to provide the required service

Desirable:  a certificate or recognition of being a national centre for excellence in training particularly within the context of the Pacific Islands Countries and Areas



Essential: Interested bidders must have installed or are in the process of successfully installing similar container laboratory project within the context of the Pacific Islands countries and areas.

Desirable: established training courses for medical laboratory technologists.



Had experience in the supply, installation and operation of a container medical laboratory within the Pacific Islands and Areas context



English is essential



Qualified and interested specialists should submit their technical and financial proposals, CV {for individual contractors} or Company Profile {for institutional applications} and Expression of Interest {cover letter} to the Supply Officer through WP RO UNGM at < > by 21 October 2020 before midnight Manila time. 

The cover letter should outline how their experience and qualifications make them a suitable candidate for this position and should include their proposed daily consultancy fee and availability.

Please use Tender Notice No. 115456 as subject to all submission. Only successful candidates will be contacted.

Thi Minh Ly Nguyen -
First name: Thi Minh Ly
Surname: Nguyen