Design and implementation of an educational intervention proposal to improve the learning achievement of students in rural multigrade, spanish monolingual elementary schools

Design and implementation of an educational intervention proposal to improve the learning achievement of students in rural multigrade, spanish monolingual elementary schools Request for proposal

Reference: RFP N°003-2018-LIM/ Design and implementation of an educational intervention in rural multigrade monolingual
Beneficiary countries: Peru
Published on: 30-Aug-2018
Deadline on: 20-Sep-2018 12:00 (GMT -4.00)


United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) hereby invite qualified companies to submit sealed tenders as follows:

To provide technical assistance to design and implement an educational intervention that presents evidence of the results of rural school students' learning achievement in mathematics and/or reading, in 50-60 Spanish monolingual rural elementary public schools.

Please refer to attached procurement notice.