Blockchain Live Test and Simulation (EOI)

Blockchain Live Test and Simulation (EOI) Request for EOI

Reference: EOI/UNWOMEN/2017/00065
Beneficiary countries: Multiple destinations (see 'Countries' tab below)
Published on: 16-Oct-2017
Deadline on: 08-Nov-2017 14:00 (GMT -5.00)


The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) invites interested companies to express their interest for Blockchain Live Test and Simulation.

Special Instruction 

This request for EOI includes two stages: a general survey stage and the EOI documents stage. For all vendors, please DO complete the EOI survey, regardless whether you will submit a proposal or not. This will help UN Women to gain an insight into the current available blockchain technology. Upon completion of the survey, the EOI documents stage will become accessible and for those of you, who wish to participate further to this tender, there will be placeholders to upload requested documents (please note: it may take up to 8 hours for you to view the EOI document stage upon the completion of the survey. However, all tender documents have been published at the general survey stages, you may begin to work on your proposal at any time).