GIS/17/039 - Request for Information WIPO Extention of PATENTSCOPE Chemical Search Project

GIS/17/039 - Request for Information WIPO Extention of PATENTSCOPE Chemical Search Project Request for information

Reference: GIS/17/039/RFI
Beneficiary countries: Switzerland
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 08-Mar-2017
Deadline on: 24-Mar-2017 17:00 (GMT 1.00)


WIPO is seeking information from companies potentially interested in WIPO new project concerning the extension of PATENTSCOPE chemical search project.

In order to participate in this RFI, to download the document and provide your company's information, you need to be registered as a supplier in the WIPO In-Tend e-procurement portal.

The URL for the WIPO In-tend e-procurement portal is:

Sira Montero Aparicio -, Tel: +41 0000000
First name: Sira
Surname: Montero Aparicio
Telephone country code: Switzerland (+41)
Telephone number: 0000000