Design and operationalization of the OECD-UNESCO Joint Initiative - Survey of Teachers in Pre-primary Education (STEPP) Request for proposal

Reference: RFP/ED/IPS/IGE/138/16
Beneficiary countries: Multiple destinations (see 'Countries' tab below)
Published on: 29-Jul-2016
Deadline on: 02-Sep-2016 17:00 (GMT 2.00)


United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) hereby invite qualified companies to submit sealed tenders as follows:

Within the framework of the OECD-UNESCO Joint Initiative: Survey of teachers in Pre-primary Education (STEPP), UNESCO is seeking an institution or a consortium of institutions with solid experience in designing and operationalizing international studies and/or large-scale surveys in the field of early childhood care and education (ECCE) and/or basic education, and with a good understanding of the conditions, requirements and capacities of low- and middle-income countries. To contribute to a successful implementation of the project, the Contractor is expected to carry out the following 13 Activities:

  1. Revision of the conceptual framework
  2. Development of the project manual for Participating Countries
  3. Development of pilot survey instruments
  4. Quality control and tracking of translated and adapted pilot survey instruments
  5. Training on the pilot administration for Participating Countries
  6. Sampling for the field trial (FT)
  7. Development of FT survey instruments
  8. Quality control and tracking of translated and adapted FT survey instruments
  9. Training on the FT administration for Participating Countries
  10. Support for FT operations and quality monitoring
  11. Data processing, analysis and scaling
  12. Support for the preparation of the Technical Report
  13. Project management

    The Contractor is expected to undertake these Activities from October 2016 to December 2017 in close cooperation with the UNESCO Secretariat and other actors of the project. The project is a Joint OECD-UNESCO Initiative through which the core content and methodology of STEPP will be aligned with those of the OECD TALIS Starting Strong Survey.                                                                                                      Please refer to attached procurement notice.