UNICEF is looking for Institution's proposals for Review of the Multi-dimensional Child Poverty methodology and harmonisation with the national multidimensional poverty

UNICEF is looking for Institution's proposals for Review of the Multi-dimensional Child Poverty methodology and harmonisation with the national multidimensional poverty Request for proposal

Reference: RFP 15-17
Beneficiary countries or territories: Viet Nam
Published on: 04-Dec-2015
Deadline on: 13-Jan-2016 17:00 (GMT 7.00)

  1. Purpose: 

The purpose of the assignment is to undertake a desk review of MDCP methodology and international practices, facilitate consultations and provide recommendations (on the methodology and the next steps) to MOLISA/PRO and GSOas a step towards harmonizing MDCP with MDP and institutionalizing MDCP into national systems for multidimensional poverty monitoring.

  1. Methodology and technical approach

The assessment will conducted through desk review and secondary data analysis that will examine information from national and international literature and documents related to different multidimensional measurements of poverty (especially child poverty) in general, and Vietnam’s literature/materials on MDCP and MDP deepen understanding of the existing methodologies used, their pros vs. cons with respect to children’s perspectives, identify complementary features of these approaches and propose harmonized methodological options for Viet Nam’s MDCP. The proposed options could be tested using data from Viet Nam VHLSS 2014 datasets as well as data sets from previous VHLSS rounds where required to enable historical perspective. The analyses can be expanded, where relevant, to other related and reliable data sources (e.g. MICS, poverty census, Inter-Census Population Survey, etc.). A comparative analysis approach will be also used to analyse the multiple deprivation experienced by various groups of children as per their distinguishing background characteristics (i.e. age, gender, geographic, ethnicity, etc.) through cross-tabulation, trend analyses, relevant bi- and multi-variation  (i.e. regression or logistic analysis ) statistical analyses.

The assessment will be done in consultation with national partners, especially the National Poverty Reduction Office, task force that will be established to follow up on MDCP, General Statistical Office (GSO) and other experts from related line ministries in Viet Nam, with experience in this field. The expected international consultant is expected to propose concrete methodology and recommendations to be reviewed and considered by the national partners indicated above.

  1. Scope of work, Deliverables and Timeline (from Jan-May 2016)

The assignment under this contract include: 

  1. Review MDCP methodology based on a technical review of the different MDCP and MDP methodologies taken into account both national and international practices, its implications to policy advocacy, monitoring and targeting, and  discuss different methodological options for adjustment and harmonisation of MDCP with MDP in Viet Nam, in consultation with relevant stakeholders , particular MOLISA and GSO.
  2. Provide technical methodological guidance for national experts to calculate MDCP applying the adjusted methodological option using MICS 5 and VHLSS 2014 data sets.  
  3. Provide a comprehensive discussion paper with data interpretations and recommendations for the most appropriate approach for Viet Nam and proposed roadmap highlighting the key milestones and approach required for the next steps for MDCP adjustment and harmonisation with the national multidimensional poverty monitoring.