RFP/64/2024/JUG Digital Asset Management System (DAM)

RFP/64/2024/JUG Digital Asset Management System (DAM) Request for proposal

Reference: rfx_819_HQ
Beneficiary countries: Switzerland
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 12-Dec-2024
Deadline on: 03-Feb-2025 14:00 (GMT 1.00)

The International Labour Office (hereinafter the “ILO”) is pleased to invite your company to submit a Proposal for the provision of a Digital Asset Management System (DAM) as further described in Annex III Terms of Reference (TOR) of RFP/64/2024/JUG. Your Proposal must be received by the ILO no later than the deadline indicated in the ILO eSourcing platform. Late bids will be rejected. The deadline for the receipt of clarification queries is 13 January 2025 COB. Please be cautious when uploading documents to the ILO eSourcing Platform and ensure that only the technical proposal documents are uploaded into the Technical Envelope and only the financial proposal is uploaded into the Financial Envelope, as an error in this regard will have an impact on an offer's eligibility for evaluation. In order to access the complete tender documentation, your company must be a registered UNGM supplier and subscribe to ILO tenders. If for some reason access to the ILO e-Sourcing platform is not possible, please contact the ILO Procurement Bureau at pcrt@ilo.org. We look forward to receiving your Proposal. ILO Procurement Bureau