Selection of an Implementing Partner to provide gender-appropriate socio-economic reintegration support to returned migrants in Greater Kampala Metropolitan area Request for EOI

Reference: Integrated economic empowerment support
Beneficiary countries: Uganda
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 07-Jun-2024
Deadline on: 11-Jul-2024 17:00 (GMT 3.00)


Overall objectives

The general objective of the project is to provide gender-appropriate socio-economic reintegration support and create decent employment opportunities for 400 returned migrants in Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area. The project will support returned migrants establish a sustainable livelihood, through self-employment, by providing entrepreneurship skills training using the ILO Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) tool and life skills training to enhance the personal and professional development of beneficiaries.


Hence, the project will have the following outcomes: 

  1. Entrepreneurship skills of 400 returned migrants are strengthened;
  2. 400 returned migrants have attitudinal change and the motivation to engage on income generating activities;
  3. 400 returned migrants have developed viable business plans;
  4. At least 70% of trainees have established a sustainable business.
  5. Returned migrants have access to 6 months BDS and mentoring support.


2.2    Target beneficiaries 

Intended beneficiaries

The provision of gender-responsive socio-economic reintegration support will target the most vulnerable returned migrants. The selection of these final beneficiaries will be spearheaded by the Ministry of Kampala Capital City and Metropolitan Affairs (MKCC&MA), Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD), social partners, selected implementing partner, as well as the ILO. The total number of beneficiaries should be 400 vulnerable returned migrants, where 50 percent are women. Priority will be given to returned migrants with disabilities.

  1. The selected implementing partner will provide capacity to ensure strengthening the entrepreneurship and life skills of 400 beneficiaries using the ILO SIYB tools.
  2. The selected implementing partner will provide business development support to beneficiaries to establish sustainable businesses.


2.3    Expected results

The expected results of this assignment will be:

  1. 400 returned migrants in Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area are provided with core skills training, namely the GYBI and SYB training and life skills training and are assisted in business plan preparation and BDS support.
  2. 400 trained and equipped returned migrants are assisted in business registration, access to finance /loan services and negotiation of production, marketing trading spaces/places and have established a business.
  3. 70% of supported returned migrants that have established businesses have received mentoring and coaching support for 6 consecutive months.