Provision for Rental services of Equipment & Armored vehicles with Operators

UN Secretariat
Provision for Rental services of Equipment & Armored vehicles with Operators Request for EOI

Reference: EOIUNSOS21839
Beneficiary countries: Somalia
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 13-Sep-2023
Deadline on: 26-Sep-2023 23:59 (GMT -4.00)

The United Nations Support Office in Somalia, also known as UNSOS, has a requirement for Provision of Rental services of Equipment and Armored Vehicles with operators in all UN operating Sectors. 2. Services are required to be provided at below locations: a. Sector 1 – Mogadishu including Baledogle. b. Sector 2 – Dhobley c. Sector 3 – Baidoa d. Sector 4 – Beletweyne e. Sector 5 – Jowhar f. Sector 6 – Kismayo g. Dhusamareb h. Garrowe i. Hargeisa j. Galkayo 3. UNSOS plans to enter into an initial one (1) year contract with UNSOS sole option to extend for two one-year periods. 4. The detailed scope of requirements will be provided at the solicitation stage which is planned to be issued by 3rd week of September 2023. .

Chief Procurement Officer