Financial Management of Grants in Papua New Guinea -RFP-PNG-2023-007

Financial Management of Grants in Papua New Guinea -RFP-PNG-2023-007 Request for proposal

Reference: UNDP-PNG-00041,1
Beneficiary countries or territories: Papua New Guinea
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 10-Aug-2023
Deadline on: 05-Sep-2023 05:00 (GMT -4.00)


Dear Sir/ Madam

Greetings from the UNDP Papua New Guinea. 

Please be informed that UNDP PNG published a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the provision of   FINANCIAL  MANAGEMENT OF GRANTS IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA.

The purpose of the consultancy described is to engage a qualified organization or company with accountancy expertise to provide financial verification services for grants tranches and performance-based payments given to Papua New Guinea (PNG)-based entities through the BCF (Building Climate Finance) initiative. The consultancy involves several specific tasks and responsibilities to ensure proper financial management, compliance with UNDP rules and procedures, and effective implementation of the grant and payment process. Here are the key objectives and scope of the consultancy:


The main objective of the consultancy is to ensure the accurate and transparent financial management of grants and performance-based payments provided to PNG-based entities through the BCF initiative. This involves conducting due diligence checks, financial reconciliation of reports and receipts, maintaining a grant database, and providing regular reporting to the BCF Secretariat and UNDP.


The scope of the consultancy includes the following responsibilities:

Due Diligence Checks: The contractor is responsible for performing due diligence checks as directed by UNDP, ensuring compliance with UNDPs Financial Management and Procurement Policies. This involves verifying the financial information and documentation submitted by the grantees.

Financial Reconciliation: The contractor is responsible for reconciling quarterly financial reports and receipts submitted by the grant recipients. This reconciliation process ensures that the funds disbursed match the expenditures and are in accordance with the UNDP rules and procedures. The contractor works with grants ranging from US$20,000 to US$100,000, with each grant lasting between 6 and 24 months. Additionally, the contractor verifies performance-based payments ranging from US$20,000 to US$300,000. The reconciliation work intensifies at the end of each quarter.

Template Creation: The contractor develops a template to provide information to the BCF Secretariat and UNDP on the status of grantee financial reports. This includes identifying complete and fully liquidated reports, incomplete reports with missing documentation, areas of concern, and potential extensions or revisions of agreements and payments.

Quarterly Summary Reports: The contractor submits quarterly summary reports to the BCF Secretariat, detailing disbursements, and liquidations, and highlighting areas for improving financial performance.

Consolidated Final Report: At the end of the consultancy, the contractor submits a final consolidated report. This report outlines the results of all financial reconciliations, lessons learned, and recommendations for strengthening the granting and reporting process.

Advisor Role: The contractor advises UNDP on the timing of executing the next tranche of payments to grantees based on the financial verification of their reports and receipts. UNDP is responsible for capacity assessments, grantee approval, registration, and payment transfers, while the BCF Secretariat verifies technical reports.

Overall, the purpose of this consultancy is to ensure financial accountability, transparency, and compliance in the distribution of grants and performance-based payments to PNG-based entities through the BCF initiative, while adhering to UNDP rules and procedures.

***As UNDP has moved to an Oracle Cloud ERP (QUANTUM). Quantum is replacing the previous e-Tendering System for bidders to participate in business opportunities with UNDP. In order to facilitate the transition and better collaborate on the move to Quantum, UNDP PNG Procurement Unit will conduct a training session on Quantum for the bidders during the pre-proposal meeting. ***


The Pre-Proposal meeting will be held on: 22nd August 2023 from 2:00 PM to 3.00 PM. (PNG Local Time) [GMT+10 HRS]

Pre-Proposal Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 891 8815 9961

Passcode: 109997

Deadline for Proposal Submission - 29 August 2023, 5 PM PNG Time

If you are interested in participating in the bidding process, please join the zoom meeting and, in addition, visit the below link.


UNDP Papua New Guinea




Interested suppliers must submit their offer directly in the system as instructed in the solicitation document, following the instructions in the available user guide. n case you have never registered before, you can register a profile using the registration link shared via the procurement notice and following the instructions in the guides available in UNDP website: Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration.


Search for the specific tender using search filters and subscribe to the tender in order to get notifications in case of amendments of the tender document. If you need support with the online system, you can contact the contact details of this tender as indicated in the solicitation document.




Resources for Bidders

a. Information -

b. Webinar for suppliers -

c. Supplier Portal Introduction Video -

Email address:
Surname: Procurement Officer