Localization of water resources management technology to adapt to climate change in Hong-Thai Bi ...

UN Secretariat
Localization of water resources management technology to adapt to climate change in Hong-Thai Bi ... Request for EOI

Reference: EOIUNON18846
Beneficiary countries: Viet Nam
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 01-Sep-2021
Deadline on: 29-Sep-2021 00:00 0.00

The United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON), on behalf of Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) invites qualified interested firms to submit Expression of Interest (EOI) to participate in the upcoming solicitation for provision of technical assistance for localization of water resources management technology to adapt to climate change in Hong-Thai Binh river basin. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on behalf of the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) requires the services of an institution to deliver the technical assistance. The overall objective of this technical assistance is to support to select and customize technologies that can provide science-based information on transboundary water resources in the Hong-Thai Binh river basin in Viet Nam. More information about the project can be found at https://www.ctc-n.org/technical-assistance/projects/localization-water-resources-management-technology-adapt-climate. Some of the expected outcome, outputs and activities are; • Review of challenges and climate change risk to transboundary water resource management in the Hong-Thai Binh river basin • Investigation of case studies on the use of different models of data management and sharing for transboundary water resource management at the river basin level. • Identification of the most appropriate technologies to provide science-based information on transboundary water resources in the Hong-Thai Binh river basin. • Customization of the selected technologies to provide science-based information on transboundary water resources in the Hong-Thai Binh river basin. • Capacity enhancement for use of the selected technologies in the HongThai Binh river basin. • Training of government bodies and stakeholders for use of the selected technologies. The complete details of the requirement will be provided in the tender documents that will be issued to bidders after this request for EOI is closed.

Ms. Jecinta Cheruiyot