Aircraft-based Observations Software Development

Aircraft-based Observations Software Development Request for proposal

Reference: RFP 2007-21
Beneficiary countries: Switzerland
Published on: 26-Aug-2021
Deadline on: 11-Oct-2021 15:00 (GMT 2.00)

The World Meteorological Organization, hereinafter referred to as WMO hereby invites prospective proposers to submit a proposal in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract and the Terms of Reference as set out in this Request for Proposal (RFP). To enable you to submit a proposal, please read the following attached documents carefully. Section 1: This Letter of Invitation Section 2: Instruction to Proposers Section 3: Evaluation Criteria Section 4: Terms of Reference Section 5: Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms Section 6: Proposal Forms • Form A: Proposer Information • Form B: Joint Venture/Consortium/Association Information, if applicable • Form C: Eligibility and Qualification, if applicable • Form D: Format for Technical Proposal • Form E: Format for CV of proposed key personnel, if applicable • Form F: Financial Proposal Submission • Form G: Format for Financial Proposal • Form H: Technical Mandatory Prequalification Criteria If you are interested in submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, please prepare your proposal in accordance with the requirements and procedure as set out in this RFP and submit it by the deadline for submission of proposals set out in WMO e-tendering system. We look forward to receiving your proposal. Sincerely, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Procurement Section Geneva, Switzerland