CFP-077-21 - Empowering Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to promote Social Cohesion in Kirkuk, Diyala, Anbar, Salaheldin and Niewna-Phase II

CFP-077-21 - Empowering Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to promote Social Cohesion in Kirkuk, Diyala, Anbar, Salaheldin and Niewna-Phase II Grant support-call for proposal

Reference: CFP-077-21
Beneficiary countries: Iraq
Published on: 04-Mar-2021
Deadline on: 21-Mar-2021 14:00 (GMT 3.00)



Please note that the Pre-Bid Conference has been moved from Wednesday, 10 March 2021 at 12:00  to Sunday, 14 March 2021, at 12:00.

Please be guided accordingly.



CFP-077/21 - Empowering Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to promote Social Cohesion in Kirkuk, Diyala, Anbar, Salaheldin and Niewna-Phase II

The UNDP Social Cohesion Programme work in four main areas that include

1) Strengthening the national frameworks for peace and social cohesion,

2) strengthening inter-linking community infrastructures for social cohesion at multi-levels

3) supporting and strengthening capacities and resources of academia and research institutions and actors to lead social cohesion and

4) working with media institution and media professionals to improved advocacy and public awareness.

Social cohesion program involves working on social cohesion and peace initiatives at the community level through empowering Community Based Organizations (CBOs) as a critical community mechanism for long-lasting peace and social cohesion. As such, UNDP have implemented through  2019 and 2020 a project on Empowering CBOs as agents for Social Cohesion in Niewna, Salahedin and Anbar. Through this project UNDP has built the capacity of 129 CBOs from Anbar, Salahuddin and Ninawa governorates on community outreach and conflict sensitive proposal development and supported 31 of them with grants to implement community initiatives.

The community initiatives geared toward responding to community needs, enhancing the culture of tolerance and acceptance thereby building peace and increasing the sense of community and togetherness. The initiatives included peace sessions and workshops, religious camps, Para gliding for peace, poetry and painting contests and other sports and art related activities that brought multiple communities faction together to discuss the future of their community and needs and resolved issues that are fueling conflicts. The initiatives dragged great attention from the media, and UNDP received multiple appreciation letters from local government and communities encouraging UNDP to continue its efforts and reaching out to other community that have not been served by the previous project. In addition skills development training have been extended to youth and women, many of which were IDPs or returnees, to help them generate income and paticipate to promote peace and social cohesion in their communities. The project helped more than 10,000 people from the three governorates and cultivated the sence of hope among targeted communities

Building on the successes and to address more needs in other locations , UNDP intends to implement “Empowering CBOs to promote social cohesion (phase-II)” project to maintain its social cohesion gains in the first phase and extend the support to new communities. The project will also serve greater number of CBOs from five governorates.  

The project aims to provide capacity building to CBOs and  provide them with grants to implement community initiatives prioritized by their community to ensure a bottom-up approach that is effective and accepted at the community level. The community initiatives will address community challenges such as reintegration of IDPs, local conflicts, livelihood , GBV , community dialogue  to promote social cohesion and build the sense of community and togetherness among different communities groups.

In this regard, UNDP Iraq is seeking a competent and reputable Nongovernmental organization to provide the following activities:  

-    Enhanced Community Based Organizations (CBOs) capacity and peace skilled through training and development activities

-    Provide grants to CBOs to implement community initiatives  that have been prioritized by their communities.

If you are interested in submitting a Bid in response to this CFP, please prepare your proposal in accordance with the requirements and procedure as set out in this CFP and submit it by the Deadline for bmission of Proposals set out in Call for Proposal.

In case your company is not registered in the E-Tendering Module, please use the following temporary
username and password to register your NGO:
Username: event.guest
Password: why2change

NGOs who will be registered on the e-tendering will be able to download the complete Call for Proposal documents from the e-tendering website at:

Bidders can download the complete tender documentation from the e-Tendering upon registration

Applicants must submit their proposals in the form of the template attached (Annex A- Technical Proposal Template and Annex B – Financial Proposal Template and Request for Information) and the following documents through online eTendering system.  

1.    Copy of Registration with the Federal Government of Iraq and preferably with the Kurdish Regional Government
2.    CVs (establishing competence and demonstrating qualifications/skills relevant to the TOR) of the technical, management and implementation support personnel proposed to work on the Project
3.    Annual certified financial report and Audit Report undertaken during the last 2 years.
4.    Profile of the proposed NGO Partners (if applicable).
5.    Evidence of the Organization’s Regulations/Policies and Procedures, manuals with regards to human resources and financial management, procurement and contracting and administration.
6.    Evidence of previous relevant experience that qualifies the organization to undertake this Project.

Proposals submitted via email or by hard copies will not be accepted.  For instructions, please refer to eTendering User Guide for Bidders.

Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate with Dolores Maitim; and cc: Abdelmoniem Mustafa: / Esam Khattab:

A pre-bid conference will be held on

Time:  12:00- 13:00 Iraq local time
Date:  10 March 2021
Venue :  Skype meeting

All interested proposers are encouraged to participate in the pre-proposal conference.

The UNDP focal point for this arrangement is:
Dolores Maitim, Procurement Analyst

Proposers interested to attend the Pre-Proposal Conference must send the following information to the above-mentioned e-mail address before 12 :00 noon on 9 March 2021 including participants name, company name and skype i.d.

The subject of the email should be CFP-077-21, Pre-Bid Conference.

Dolores Maitim -
First name: Dolores
Surname: Maitim