DHIS2 International Consultant for South Sudan Ministry of Health - Juba, SOUTH SUDAN Call for Individual Consultants

Reference: IC-UNDP-96680
Beneficiary countries: South Sudan
Registration level: Registration at Level 1
Published on: 01-Feb-2021
Deadline on: 12-Feb-2021 00:00 (GMT 2.00)


Organizational Context

The Ministry of Health (MOH) since 2018 has been using the District Health Information System (DHIS2) as electronic health information management system for South Sudan. The DHIS2 has been scaled up to all counties and some selected health facilities in the country. There is need to strengthen and scale up the use of the DHIS2 in the country and this will entail, readjusting the current modules to be able to accommodate the changes in the data collection tools, adding modules to the existing system to make it more comprehensive in capturing HMIS data, linking the existing DHIS 2 module to other system in country to support reporting through the DHIS2.

 South Sudan has also been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for accurate data to inform the pandemic response is more acute.  The DHIS2 has been adopted by the MOH for data collection and management for the COVID-19 pandemic. The key tools particularly the case investigation forms, and case management forms have been customized into the to the COVID-19 DHIS2 Tracker. There is need to build a robust system to support the COVID -19 responses from alerts through to case investigation, case confirmation in the laboratory, case management to final outcome. The need for in country systems developer to support the customization of the DHIS2 to capture data along the cascade as well as explore and provide the opportunities to link the DHIS 2 to other systems, enhance interoperability capacity and eventually have an integrated system for the country.

Scope of work

The international consultant will work with MOH and UNDP focal points to carry out the following tasks:


  • Develop an inception report with detailed work plan for providing. technical support for strengthening DHIS2 system functionality.
  • Work with the technical team at the MOH to review and finalize the HIS roadmap/plan for South Sudan
  • Scale up the COVID-19 DHIS2 tracker for COVID-19 surveillance in the country
  • Customize all the modules into the COVID-19 DHIS2 Tracker to enable the individual case data to be captured across the cascade
  • Link the COVID-19 DHIS 2 tracker to other digital systems platforms that will be identified and approved by the MOH to facilitate interoperability of the systems and enhance reporting through the DHIS2
  • Customize standard reports for aggregate reporting at the various levels
  • Customize the dashboards for data visualization, interpretation, and use
  • Continuously update the customized tools in the system based on new changes 
  • Identify and fix all the common errors in the current DHIS2 system.
  • Importing and exporting data in different platforms on to the DHIS2 system.
  • Upgrading of the DHIS2 system.
  • Develop the DHIS 2 module and/or Integrate DHIS2 system with other systems. The systems will include but not limited to: Laboratory  management Information system (LMIS), Logistics Information management system( supply chain Management)-LIMS, e-TB system, electronic medical record (EMR) system, EWAS, IDSR, IHRIS to the District Health Information System (DHIS 2) at the MOH.
  • Improve and enhance visual outputs from DHIS 2 system, using the applications like the Power Business Intelligence (Power BI) data visualization tools and ArcGIS.
  • Customize the DHIS2 system to suit other demands as will be identified by the MOH. E.g. SMS messaging.
  • Train and mentor at least 2 in country South Sudan national staff to support the DHIS 2 system development and scale up
  • Provide mentorship and capacity building to the members of the DHIS2 Technical team.
  • Perform any other related duties that will be assigned by the supervisor.


The consultant will be expected to submit the following deliverables:

  1. Inception report developed detailing:
  • Design of the review/approach/workplan
  • List of documents to be reviewed
  • List of stakeholders to be visited
  • Sample of health facilities to be visited
  • Schedule of visits to partners and health facilities
  1. Final consultancy report describing clearly each activity performed as per scope of work and feasible recommendations including but not limited to:
  • A finalized HIS roadmap/plan for South Sudan
  •  A scaled up the COVID-19 DHIS2 tracker for COVID-19 surveillance in the country
  • A customized all the modules into the COVID-19 DHIS2 Tracker to enable the individual case data to be captured across the cascade
  • A linked the COVID-19 DHIS 2 tracker to other digital systems platforms that will be identified and approved by the MOH to facilitate interoperability of the systems and enhance reporting through the DHIS2 system.
  • A customized and standard aggregated reporting tools at the various levels
  • A list of identified common errors in the current DHIS2 system and train users on how to be fixed.
  • An importable and exportable data forms on and to the DHIS2 system.
  • A developed the DHIS 2 module and/or Integrate DHIS2 system with other systems. The systems will include but not limited to: Laboratory  management Information system (LMIS), Logistics Information management system( supply chain Management)-LIMS, e-TB system, electronic medical record (EMR) system, EWAS, IDSR, IHRIS to the District Health Information System (DHIS 2) at the MOH.
  • An Improved and enhanced visual outputs from DHIS 2 system, using the applications like the Power Business Intelligence (Power BI) data visualization tools and ArcGIS.
  • A customized DHIS2 system to suit other demands as will be identified by the MOH. E.g. SMS messaging.

Evaluation criteria for the International consultancy

Applicants will be evaluated based upon their submitted expressions of interest and financial proposals, which includes a cumulative analysis method based upon a combination of technical and financial evaluation results.

Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the following’s methodology:

Cumulative analysis

When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  • Responsive/compliant/acceptable; and
  • Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.
  • Relevant Education
  • Relevant Experience
  • Competency

* Technical Criteria weight; [70%]

* Financial Criteria weight; [30%]

To be computed as a ratio of the Proposal’s offer to the lowest price among the proposals received by UNDP.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Strong skills software development especially in digital health solutions including developing modules for the system
  • Developing system interoperability functions and linking different systems to DHIS2
  • Dashboard development and deployment
  • Web applications design and
  • Fixing bugs.
  • Advanced server management: For example, restoring servers in case of a failure.
  • Database management

Functional Competencies:

  • Strong analytical, negotiation and communication skills, including ability to produce high quality practical advisory reports and knowledge products.
  • Professional and/or academic experience in one or more of the areas of international development, public health, or related field

Project and Resource Management:

  • Ability to produce high quality outputs in a timely manner while understanding and anticipating the evolving client needs.
  • Strong organizational skills.
  • Ability to work independently, produce high quality outputs

Communications and Advocacy:

  • Strong ability to write clearly and convincingly, adapting style and content to different audiences and speak clearly and convincingly.
  • Strong analytical, research and writing skills with demonstrated ability to think strategically;
  • Strong inter-personal, negotiation and liaison skills


  • Excellent oral and written English.

Qualifications of the Successful International Consultant


·        Advanced degree (Masters level) in a relevant field (computer science, data/information/health management, econometrics, advanced statistical analysis, information technology, and software engineering).


·        At least five years expertise in information system management especially on web-based software platforms and database administration and Management.

·        Five years’ experience in DHIS 2 configuration for health information systems.

·        Previous work experience supporting countries in DHIS2 rollout in sub Saharan countries including experience in training DHIS 2 administrators and health information uses.

·        Previous work experience of HMIS in South Sudan will be an added advantage.

·        Excellent skills and experience in training facilitation, mentoring and capacity development

Demonstrate oral and written communication skills, including presentations.

Guidelines for Applications

Guidelines for Applications

Interested applicants are advised to carefully review this advertisement and ensure that they meet the requirements and qualifications described.


 Applicants are to submit:

  • Signed and Updated Personal History Form (P11) or CV. The template can be downloaded from this link: http://sas.undp.org/documents/p11_personal_history_form.doc).
  • Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability  


*Please note that the financial proposal is all-inclusive and shall consider various expenses incurred by the consultant/contractor during the contract period (e.g. rent of dwelling, fee, health insurance, vaccination, visa costs and any other relevant expenses related to the performance of services...). All envisaged costs (except of the unforeseen travel costs for missions, if any) must be included in the financial proposal. Unforeseen travel costs for missions, if any, will be paid separately according to UNDP rules and regulations. All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. Per diems cannot exceed UN DSA rates (http://icsc.un.org/rootindex.asp).

Security: Individual Consultants are responsible for ensuring they have vaccinations/inoculations when travelling to certain countries, as designated by the UN Medical Director. Consultants are also required to comply with the UN security directives set forth under https://trip.dss.un.org

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials.

Due to large number of applications we receive, we can inform only the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.